840$ Store coupon (from unshipped order)

Hi, I am one of those people that is still waiting for a refund for their librem 5 order from 2019. I saw that people here were able to sell their unshipped orders. So im also giving it a try. Last time I contact support they offered me to reship the phone or give me 20% credit (840$). So either I can claim the store credit and sell it. (They said the store credit would be a coupon code, but not sure if it would be only claimable on my account, in that case i can give you my purism account aswell.) Or I can ask them to ship to your address.

Please reply with any offers. Thanks.

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I am interested in the store credit in exchange for my Librem 14:

Not looking to trade. Just to sell.

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It may help to be definite on this point i.e. confirm with Purism first that the $840 store credit is transferable.

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