About Me: Emma 🏳️‍⚧️

I have no idea. :sweat_smile:
Sorry, I am no English native speaker and while in most cases I can communicate well enough, there are still some minor things like this where you should try to read my context rather than the actual wording (or ask, as you do :slightly_smiling_face:).

I mean it the way about he or she. So if the correct wording is miss-pronoun-ed, please let me know and I’ll try to remember.


Misgendered is the word you meant :kissing_heart:


I thought it’s a synonym. Thanks. :upside_down_face:


Also to consider: There are times when it would be impolite or inappropriate even to be writing in public about someone (hence using the third person). If you write to someone then the pronoun difficulty (in English) never arises.

Anyways, maybe if a few more users could request JCS (by direct message) to set your pronouns …


Also worth noting that besides she/her, he/him, and they/them, some people choose to go by any pronouns.

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And your moniker isn’t because I mentioned Zazu Pitts earlier this week? (So’s Your Aunt Emma - 1942)

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Emma has been my name since I began my transition in January of 2023.

I also have no idea what you’re referencing. I don’t browse these forums frequently anymore. I don’t even browse the fediverse very much anymore. Matrix has become my favorite platform, and it’s been very difficult for me to break away from it.

It’s only within the past month or so that I’ve started to really accept myself and embrace my identity as Emma, and I credit my friendships on matrix for helping me become myself.

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It’s an old movie now found on youtube. Given the privacy focus of user’s here, few will watch it because well, it’s on youtube and tied to the tentacled reach of google

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Thanks for your continued support @Ick :sparkling_heart:

I logged in after the initial comment was flagged, so I can only use context clues to see that a transphobic person came here to suggest that my projects represent a security risk, and I’d love to respond to some of this.

  1. CSS customization is disabled by default in Firefox because it can theoretically be a security risk, but such attacks are limited in their capacity for damage and very rare (or possibly nonexistent) nowadays. Linux distributions designed for mobile (and include Firefox by default) enable CSS customization by default. So if this is concerning, I would recommend against using Firefox on such distributions without first disabling this feature, but then the browser will have stability issues and lack access to several features and capabilities.

  2. My code is fully free and open source software (FOSS) and has already begun to make its way into other projects like the postmarketOS mobile-config-firefox project. I would expect that at least some of my code will also eventually make its way into Purism’s firefox-esr-mobile-config project. If someone desires to avoid use of my code, then these packages should be removed and disuse of these operating systems should be considered as well, by virtue of my code’s inclusion into them.

  3. I find joy in knowing that transphobic people avoiding my work due to my identity must make the decision to either suffer a worse user experience or reluctantly use my code anyway. It warms my heart to see such people needlessly giving me power over them. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks again to my friends, followers, and supporters.

:sparkles: :sparkling_heart: :sparkles:


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 8 hours.

Perhaps the part that you’re missing is that it’s not just wrong, it’s intentionally wrong, and also that it’s personally about you, … and that it is done to disrespect you. So, for example Dlonk (and assuming you are male), what if in every interaction someone intentionally misgendered you and called you “girlie”? Can’t you imagine such situations? What if every time you went to the grocery story the cashier would address you as “ma’am” or “miss”? It basically becomes something like a playground taunt. And, despite the spiel about “sticks and stones …”, it matters. It’s basic respect.


This user0 account will act as an archive, with a profile that mirrors my Emma account profile.

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