About Me: Emma šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø

Other than the Codeberg repositories, what are some projects you are currently working on?


Thank you for pointing that out, and yes, I am very much aware. I want this to be public. I want lurkers to know that this is a safe place for trans people, and I just feel soā€¦different. Iā€™ve had to make lots of sacrifices and compromises of privacy to be able to transition, and Iā€™m finding that I have the ability to ā€œlet goā€ in a way that I couldnā€™t before. I feel so much joy, and I just need to share a slice of it. And I think Iā€™ve grown a positive reputation over the years on this forum, and maybe some of you might be interested to know me as more than just an anonymous user.

Iā€™ve been slowly building a project for users of HDHomeRun TV tuners to be able to watch and record live television. Years ago, after much web searching, I found a single comment on a site from a user sharing a simple curl command that can be used to record live tv streamed from an HDHomeRun device. I was still using Apple products back then (I have since escaped that cult), and I made some basic one-line scripts for recording specific channels that I receive in my area. Iā€™ve learned a lot about how to write bash scripts, from learning how to build the scripts for my firefox project, and I recently had the idea to build a dvr-type project.

So yeah, Iā€™ve been working on it, but I have no idea when Iā€™ll have something to release. My transition is obviously more important to me, and Iā€™ve been devoting more time to various aspects of it. And Iā€™m also very concerned about my safety here in the US.

Oh yeah, I still need to learn how to make that phosh keyboard, but that will take quite a while, so donā€™t expect anything anytime soon (or maybe ever? idk).


Iā€™m surprised that no one has asked more personal questions. I appreciate the interest in my projects, but Iā€™ve been asked about my opinions and beliefs about the ā€œtrans issueā€ and not about my personal experiences and desires as a trans person.

And Iā€™m sorry if Iā€™m coming across as a narcissist. Iā€™m usually in ā€œsuper privacy modeā€ online, and now that Iā€™ve shared this about myself here, itā€™s like a switch has been flipped to ā€œsuper friendly modeā€ā€¦idkā€¦

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I would say that if theres something you wish to share about yourself in this regard you are in the right place to be sharing that.

Lack of people asking may or may not be reflective of interest. Some people may not be as comfortable asking, some may want to respect your privacy even if youre saying its ok to ask and some may not be interested.

Mostly pointing out you dont need someone to ask as permission for you to share.


Agree on @OpojOJirYAlG. For me itā€™s not about ā€œnot interestedā€, but more like ā€œshe didnā€™t want to share more in initial post, I respect thisā€ and ā€œI donā€™t like questioning about people (except there is an open topic to join)ā€.


I guess I still have some insecurities that I need to address.

Oh, I just kept it short to prevent hostility and ā€œtest the watersā€ on this forum. I thought that transphobic people would maybe just see the ā€œIā€™m transā€ part and ignore the post entirely. I guess that didnā€™t work for at least one person :sweat_smile:

But thank you for the respect :blush: and the ā€œsheā€ part :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


To add to that ā€¦ this is a privacy-focused forum. So ā€œnot-sharing is caringā€. :wink:


All of my interactions, whether physical or digital, are focused on practical matters now. That focus largely has to do with how I view my own chain of command:

  1. Intention (Spirit)
  2. Thought (Mind)
  3. Action (Body)

I know enough people who have good intentions, but do not take the time and space into making productive plans. In a similar vein, I also know enough people who make masterfully-crafted plans, but do not have the resolve to follow through and manifest them. Therefore, it is clear that action is the most costly form of self-expression, so only focusing on that will determine what is most important to each individual.

So, by learning what your priorities are, I know what matters and concerns you the most. While I could ask about your intentions and thoughts, they are subject to change, whereas action is expensive to revert. Therefore, proof of work carries the most weight and value, and is my primary interest when determining whom to associate with.


Okay, I think I understood everything you said until this part. Is this referring to the code work that Iā€™ve shared orā€¦?

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Yes, and more. Proof of work, based on my chain of command, is what determines an individualā€™s self-expression. We are given a limited amount of resources to allocate towards our passions and interests, so whenever I interact with anyone, I only want to know their priorities, goals, ambitions, plans, and current actionable steps being made towards fulfilling them.

The only reason is to filter relevant results. I do not have the time for those who dream, think, or discuss. I only want to associate myself with those who want to accomplish something and are willing to bear the responsibility and price of owning themselves entirely.

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Oh okay, I get it.

But are you actually curious/interested at all about the trans stuff? You come across as being soā€¦serious. Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that, but Iā€™m trying to create a relaxed vibe in this thread.

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No, at least not in the sense of participating in the broader community. I am much more interested in protecting all communities from being tracked, surveilled, and censored by powerful entities, which is why I am actively involved in multiple digital resistance projects. In the end, I want everyone to feel safe, regardless of any label applied to themselves and/or others.


I am very thankful for the work of those helping to moderate this thread.



So I feel like I really need to share this, and Iā€™ve tried for a while now to find the words to explain why, but I just canā€™t. I canā€™t think of a reason, only feelings. :upside_down_face:

Iā€™m a 90ā€™s kid, and Iā€™ve been on HRT for over a year now. Coming out as trans on this forum was not meant to signal that I just discovered this about myself but that I realized the need to share it. I am happily bursting with estrogen :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Iā€™ve never heard of HDHomefun and web searches donā€™t turn anything up. Is it a typo or maybe deliberate change to HDHomeRun?

If so Iā€™m confused my what you are trying to do for HDHomeRun. Iā€™ve been using them for over 10 years. Their only purpose I know of is to watch or record live tv over the air or from cable.

Silicon Dust, the manufacturer, has always provided executables and source code, including for linux. I schedule with cron and watch with mplayer or kodi. (vlc also works.)

As an aside, one of my turers is failing and might not be replaceable


My cable provider is all encrypted all the time, so I have to use the cable card model, which has gone out of production for some reason, possibly permanently. The only reason I pay the cable company its exorbitant local station fee is that my over the air reception is marginal and frequently too bad to watch. For the last few years, the cable version has often been worse than the OTA version. I had been blaming the cacle company, but Iā€™ve found that removing power from the HDHomeRun for a few hours seems to improve things a lot. So now Iā€™m suspecting that the HDHomeRun is going downhill.


It was a typo, and I just fixed the post. Thanks for pointing that out.

I bought my first HDHomeRun when I was still using Apple products, and I donā€™t think there was any sort of recording functionality back then. I discovered how to use curl to record streams on my laptop and made some scripts for quickly recording specific channels for specific durations. After leaving the Apple cult, I found that the scripts work on linux too.

Now that I have some experience creating bash scripts for my FriendlyFox project, I would like to replace my several recording scripts with one script that features user-selection. Just like the firefox stuff, Iā€™m doing this for myself and plan to share it. The difference between what I want to make and what is available from SiliconDust is that my project will allow recording functionality without a monetary cost to the user.

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Iā€™ve created an internal ticket for a sysadmin to discover/enable a Discourse plug-in to display user pronouns. No ETA for implementation, but this may likely be addressed as other systems-related priorities are resolved. I cannot do this myself as plug-ins require server shell access, which I do not have.


Iā€™ve updated the original post in this topic to include donation information for those interested:

HRT is a lifelong expense, and surgeries are really expensive. Any donations would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, and I changed my avatar again, upgrading the background from the standard trans flag to a blurred trans flag for a softer look.

Well I guess thatā€™s it for this update.



@Lace I am so sorry that I havenā€™t logged in until now to see your message. I typically just browse this place without being logged in and with javascript disabled, and Iā€™ve been kinda distracted lately. I actually came here to temporarily distract myself from something else but also to finally share my name here. I donā€™t know if you saw the messages on matrix (or if youā€™re even in the chat). Iā€™m Emma.

Anyway, thank you very much for this message:


The Qubes OS Forum have recently implemented pronouns:

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