Accessible Squeekboard Terminal Layout

In later versions of Squeekboard, two keys were added to the middle row’s sides, which affects the lower and upper case layers of both layout orientations.

I use my thumbs’ sides when pressing a/A or l/L, so the “side” keys quickly got in the way of my typing experience. If you want to try it out for yourself, there is a modified Squeekboard layout including them in the Matrix chatroom linked above, or you can update Squeekboard past 1.22.0 for an authentic experience.

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I guess this doesn’t affect the “Terminal” version of Squeekboard…? I haven’t seen the non-Terminal versions in a long time, as my default is “Terminal.”
So I haven’t noticed those keys.

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It does past 1.22.0.

Actually, I should have said that my version is a copy of the “old” (I guess old?) Terminal board, which I renamed as “US” to be used in place of the default “US” board. (So my default would have all the keys and layout of the “official” Terminal board.)

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That is the same layout as 1.22.0.

My “US” keyboard is the “Terminal” layout, renamed to “US” so it would be used as default in all apps.

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I understand.

Please, how to do that? :pray:
Thank you so much!!

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Tap the :globe_with_meridians: symbol when Squeekboard is present, then tap the Terminal radio buton:

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Reading the excellent Limob weekly newsletter and saw there is new alternative keyboard available and easy to change the width in the layouts to suit.

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No differences :sweat_smile: maybe do I have to reboot?

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Did you follow the instructions in the original post to create two Squeekboard layouts (us.yaml and us_wide.yaml)?

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Yes, Frank, all step by step (as per I’m your student :slightly_smiling_face:) :

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You have correctly applied the accessible Squeekboard terminal layout. If you look closely within your first screenshot, you will notice the top bar being larger than default, along with new buttons:

For comparison:


:pray: Frank
I didn’t realise it :sweat_smile: it’s still small but I can work on your files to enlarge keys, I suppose!!!
Thank you so so much!! :pray::pray:

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Those accessible buttons look better than regular. I could see those easily replacing them.

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As you can see I’m playing with numbers trying to enlarge horizontally (vertically is ok) the keys maybe reducing, at same time, space between them (please see photo) but I’m unable to do that.
Any suggestion, please? :sweat_smile::pray:

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@Ick @Emma

I do not know how to enlarge Squeekboard’s layout size or reduce the keys’ spacing, but I suspect it requires recompiling Squeekboard. For the keys’ spacing, odds are that the file requiring modification is data/common.css#L18-21:

sq_button {
    border-radius: 4px;
    margin: 2px;

@veleno: There is no space in between, it’s just an optical thing. If you want to remove the optical space, edit (or create) ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css and insert:

sq_view sq_button {
    border-radius: 0px;
    margin: 0px;

To remove the optical space entirely. Higher values (in pixel) create optical space and rounded border edges.
You need to restart Phosh to apply the change. So open Terminal and write sudo systemctl restart phosh or just restart your phone. No recompiling required.

But if you just want to add another button left or right: you need to do some math. The buttons will keep their ratio and scale together to the largest amount of space in X or Y direction. So if one dimension is not perfectly calculated, you will see empty bars on X or Y direction. To make it easier, I share the ratio data I was using for my layouts.

100% and 200% screen scale: 360 x 210 pixel
125% screen scale: 576 x 210 pixel
150% screen scale: 480 x 210 pixel
175% screen scale: 411 x 210 pixel

Your screenshot shows 206 pixel height, so you may want to increase the common button to 45px height before you change your width size. You can add as many button as you want, as long as the width is together not larger than these numbers here.


@dcz’s merge request was not accepted, but it lead to @MoonlightWave-12 creating a similar merge request:

That merge request eventually got included into Squeekboard 1.39.0, which is currently the latest version:

@MoonlightWave-12’s merge request focused on Squeekboard’s terminal layouts (de, es, fr+bepo, fr, us+dvorak, us) in portrait mode only. In addition, they only increased the height of the top bar by 2 pixels, and reduced each row’s height below it by 0.5 pixels.