Advertisement within libre mobile apps

I like this idea better than the banner ads at the bottom of an app, especially if the l5 load times are anything like the pinephones, that splash screen would be up for a non-zero amount of time. And by having it be a sponsor that allows the developer to decide what they want to be associated with. By being associated with the developer there’s a decent chance it will be related to the interests of most like-minded customers/users without any information or feedback from them. Sure, some people this won’t be relevant for, but I do think this strikes a balance that the people willing yo use ad funded applications wouldn’t hate. (The people unwilling to use ad funded apps at all opinion on this is irrelevant as they wouldn’t use the apps that have this anyway).

I do think it would be appropriate to have some sort of indicator to filter on to show/hide apps with this functionality, but I do think this is a reasonable middle ground.

That would be good, like “Sponsored by:” little section in the app’s description page of the app “store” or whatever the kids are calling it these days.

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Since it’s open source, I’ll just install the fork by the guy who doesn’t want to shove ads down my throat. I bought my hardware for my personal use, not as an ad delivery service for someone else.


@jrial Would you pay for the app if there were a paywall? :blush:

I would pay for the app if there was a paywall.
I’m donating to the things I use: Debian, Gnome, FSF, Wikipedia, Adblock Plus and even Mozilla, though lately I’m tempted to rethink this one.
On the other hand it is very hard to sell any app to me, since I do not use computers to do anything real, and my first line of action is to look for a freedom software that does what I need.