Advice on cleaning L5

Which of these is safe to clear?

purism@librem-5:~$ sudo du -h --max-depth=3 / | grep G
2.2G	/home/purism/.local
3.9G	/home/purism/Downloads
8.6G	/home/purism
8.6G	/home
1.5M	/usr/include/GL
112K	/usr/include/EGL
332K	/usr/include/GLES3
100K	/usr/include/GLES
280K	/usr/include/GLES2
56K	/usr/lib/GraphicsMagick-1.4
1.1G	/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
1.7G	/usr/lib
92K	/usr/share/GConf
20K	/usr/share/GraphicsMagick-1.4
1.4G	/usr/share
3.3G	/usr
du: cannot access '/run/user/1000/doc': Permission denied
du: cannot access '/run/user/1000/gvfs': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory '/proc/14656/task/14656/net': Invalid argument
du: cannot read directory '/proc/14656/net': Invalid argument
du: cannot access '/proc/18414/task/18434': No such file or directory
du: cannot access '/proc/18453/task/18453/fd/3': No such file or directory
du: cannot access '/proc/18453/task/18453/fdinfo/3': No such file or directory
du: cannot access '/proc/18453/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access '/proc/18453/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
9.5G	/var/lib/flatpak
6.0G	/var/lib/waydroid
du: cannot access '/var/lib/lxcfs/cgroup': Input/output error
16G	/var/lib
4.0K	/var/tmp/flatpak-cache-ZQFG11
4.0K	/var/tmp/flatpak-cache-4VG871
4.0K	/var/tmp/flatpak-cache-GZIY41
57M	/var/tmp/flatpak-cache-YG3VJ1
8.0K	/var/tmp/systemd-private-baa6d4dd84c7439bb9917e07e6aba207-systemd-timesyncd.service-WsGPni
4.0K	/var/tmp/flatpak-cache-CTLG81
8.0K	/var/tmp/systemd-private-baa6d4dd84c7439bb9917e07e6aba207-upower.service-GIMGMh
1.3G	/var/tmp
17G	/var
29G	/

Out of these options, only the contents within /home/purism/Downloads. I’d avoid removing other directories unless you know exactly what they do.

If your issue is more general and you would like to reclaim disk space, check out these posts:

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In addition I would say: make sure you have a backup before starting some random spring-cleaning.

4 GB in Downloads warrants closer inspection.

Thank you :pray:

Thank you for the reply.

I use sudo du -xak / | sort -n to restrict du do a single filesystem (replace / with for example /var or /home) and sort output on size.