Again - no Wi-Fi

Did I do anything? NOPE. I ony piked up the phone and tapped the top right button, entered passnumbers, and no more Wi-Fi - again.

Under Settings > Mobile I have “Mobile Data” on.
I didn’
t change anything. The :rage: thing dumped Wi-Fi all on it’s own. The phone wasn’t in use for 3 days, it just sat on the charger plugged in and sat heat sink. It was in what the others call ‘sleep’ mode.


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So I had that same problem.
(I am NOT SURE how to fix)
To DEAL with it, I turned the wifi switch off (ie. down), plugged it in, and then turned the wifi back on.
As I understand it, the problem occurs when the wifi card is on and a charging cord is plugged in.
The Problem WENT AWAY after upgrades (from the PureOS Store [I understand your difficulties in that regard])
Partial Solution: Don’t use Wifi and the power cord at the same time (I know… VERY IMPRACTICAL) but :man_shrugging:


I’ve had to toggle my radio (not wifi, the main one) a few times too. Not sure what’s up with that, but I was blaming the crappy signal I had at the time. More of an annoyance than anything, but it’d be nice to have it fixed.


Unplug PwrSupply - create and send text - then plug in to charge. Got it :crazy_face:

Thanks - that worked. As for the store, and updates, I quit being a beta tester about 20 or whatever yeas ago and now don’t click the ok to install and wait for a couple weeks to see what adverse effects it may have.

Any way - thank you
Merry Christmas and have a safe and prosperous New Year.


Had that issue once due to the cable coming undone (user error on my part).


Yeah :roll_eyes: but… this problem is caused by an update and only an update is going to fix it. :man_shrugging:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Is There Any ETA For “PureOS Store”?

Hi sharon,

i just reboot my phone in that case. Often i have DNS Issues on Mobile Data, and a reboot fix everything. Sad to say, on my Debian Notebook too. My Notebook have issues with Wifi after driver Update or change DE to KDE.

I take care the charger issue. It may be a Bug in Settings about Power Optimization and Sleep Modes.

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Yeah. My hands have been conditioned to use auto speed-boot. Got it working again. Thanks to ASwyD2,

Season’s Greetings