Another price increase? Change: Librem 5 fighting about if open source

I care about the firmware blobs of the pinephone and it is probably a worse option to go with pine than L5 but like many others, I cannot afford it. I can’t spend a few extra bucks because I got a lot of other bills to pay. It is like when someone chooses an SE2 over an iphone 11 pro ultra lite desktop mini max plus; it isn’t that I want the SE2 so much more than the 11 but is just that the price is too high for the other for me to get. I don’t just use linux and buy pirated windows keys for when I need windows but it is just because I cannot afford to. I got two bank accounts of 1400 TL and 400 GBP. I got other things to cover for and I need some for fallback money if anything goes wrong. Enjoy the phone.


FALSE!!! Both phone have the same amount of binary blobs. The L5 is NOT blobless

The pinephone will be just as functional as the l5 with time. IMO the l5 is highly overrated.

admsjas, can you provide documentation that the L5 is not blobless? I thought it was. Exactly where are the blobs?

On a secondary flash chip, which is fed from a secondary CPU core into the various hardware bits which require blobs. Given that the blobs are not executed regardless, their location is pretty much irrelevant.


There is very little difference between blobs loaded on a pinephone and those loaded on the l5. There have been several articles and threads discussing this topic. Y’all can believe the l5 hype if you want to, all it amounts to is the same hype Apple pushes to make people spend money to buy their products. If it makes you feel better spend 5 times the money I t’s your money.

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Are you here just out of quarantine boredom, then? I’d considered the possibility that you were here to show us all the light, but you never addressed the request to back up the one claim you made that wasn’t an opinion.

I play some online games if you need to fill your time with something you don’t hate.


Gamer alert!

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oh ? here on the Purism forums or on reddit ?

Both. But it seems people only choose to remember what they want to. Articles have been referenced in both places and topics have been created in both places.

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IMO, it depends on kind of interpretation (factual, related to ‘blobs’ that are alive, or just philosophical), by leaving any particular marketing intentions aside. Pine64 is not making secret out of this issue either (but it is for certain different approach/acceptance than the one established by Purism): “The LTE modem on the PinePhone is a ‘black box’, and runs its own Linux system internally.” Isn’t such approach making any product much cheaper (if we talk about privacy price here)? Some of us wish them both to succeed as, how I understood, @amosbatto already justified importance of Pine64 manufacture/products and there is nothing to be deducted, not even that: “For every “Community Edition: UBports” Limited Edition PinePhone sold, the Pine Store will donate USD $10 (per unit) to UBports Foundation.”

@ user1:

Your constant negative tone seems unfounded to me, and you keep presenting things that you really don’t know as facts. It’s also pretty obvious that you don’t understand what it takes to develop a product like this (I’m not an expert myself either) and don’t really appreciate the values behind the project, but still you seem to be doing your best to make other people think negatively about it.

I have nothing to do with the project, and I don’t know how well in the end it will succeed, but so far it’s obvious that the effort is great and the results at least promising. I think highly of people who are willing to put in the huge effort that developing something like this takes.

I suggest that before sending your next comment you consider is it really worth posting.


It is unbelievable but true!!! This issue is one of the problems Purism has encounter and could not resolve. Purism has spoken about it in their website and it was understood. That’s one of many limitations the project has faced and it is not on Purism’s hands to solve it. You’re correct. People decide what to remember and what not. Jesus!!!

is the PinePhone RYF certified ?

So… there’s something you don’t approve about the values behind the project which sounds to me like there’s something NEGATIVE about it. On the other hand I suspect your negative impression whatever it is MIGHT be well founded. The point is: It is not how you FEEL user1 what matters but the point she is making on the project. If you pay attention to this little detail you may find what she says interesting :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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And I think you’re trolling right now and don’t deserve attention. Did you look for information about blobs in L5? Did you solve that little problem for your own interest and talked about it here in order to clarify things and put them behind ? No? Now you have one more thing to play with? Seriously?!!! Oh boy! Things don’t change in this forum :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Look… this was discussed before, Purism talked about, it is what it is. It would be a horrible way to spend his time to go back and get that information for you. Six months later someone else is going to make the same kind of request. You’re the one who needs to get into it and understand that this project is been built from scratch with many pieces missing. It is not perfect but it will be some day in some way or form. Put your guns down, go to the website and be prepare to go deep. It was addressed long time ago by Purism. Do that or take it like he said it. Comprendes?

You seem to have misread my comment. By “…and don’t really appreciate the values behind the project,” I referred to user1’s apparent view, not my own.

what do you call the troll that trolls the trolls ?

all i’m saying is that everybodys accounts are open for PUBLIC scrutiny …


trolls. :slight_smile: