Byzantium configuration

Great. It works. So the interface can be improved here. Now it is static. It says “use dav://pureos.local/” but it could improved to include the port.

Yes I also use ssh all the time. But sometimes you want to transfer a file with Windows and then it would be useful.

As for DLNA I did not know it is dlna that is enabled. I would like to use it with a TV set that supports dlna. So if they are both connected to the same network it should immediately work? Or it needs some configuration on the TV (as it was needed for dav) ? In any case although for dav the interface says something, for Media it says nothing. I think it should say “use dlna enabled devices” or similar.

Weather app: this one does not look so stable :thinking: It was auto detecting my location using wifi and that was placing me in Athens instead of the island I live. So after I added my island, it worked for a day or so. Next day defaulted to Athens and when I was switching to the island it stopped bringing any forecast. I wrongly thought to disable autolocation and the next time I opened it it brings nothing. Blank screen for 4 days now.

How do I reset this app? I can not find where it saves its configuration. Shouldn’t it be something like gnome-weather in .config/ ?

It’s not a feature I have made use of myself so I couldn’t say with any certainty, if it’s working as intended then it should only require enabling the media share and DLNA compatible devices on the network should see it. It should be quick and easy to test.

I’d be wary of media sharing over WiFi, if the WiFi performance of your Librem 5 is anything like mine (i.e. very slow and a little unstable) then it’s likely that you’ll struggle to reach or maintain the transfer rates required to maintain smooth uninterrupted playback (media type/size dependent of course). I might even struggle on a wired network connection for some uncompressed hi-res media, not that you’d have the disk space for such media on the phone anyway.

There is a Windows variant of sshfs, although I would concede that it is quite clunky and convoluted to get it setup and for the occasional transfer of one or two files there are other more convenient options.

About location services and maps: do location services work through GPS? and how to test? PureMaps does not locate me properly (geoclue service is running).

Moreover, are there any offline maps? I would prefer offline maps than online.

Does red shift work for you? There is a configuration for this in Settings→Displays→Night Light
but enabling it does not make any difference.

Can’t work atm, needs to reeanble that in phosh (we had via an older protocol before) and then we need to fix the kernel side.

OK, thanks @guido.gunther

Do location services work? Is there any “howto” available? It mis-locates me. And this affects the weather app too which remains buggy. Can’t load data for the non default location after the second time it is used. But maybe if location through gps is correct it will be OK. Who knows…

you need gnss-share for GPS location - there should be more info in other forum threads. (but your cellt tower of wifi should get you close enough for weather if you enable location service)