Can someone please help me. Booting problem

I just upgraded my OS on the librem 5. After restating it will no longer allow me to type in the encryption password at all. I am stuck at the point. I dont really know whays going on. Is there any guide ?

Please and thank you

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How did you upgrade your operating system?


Try to buy usbc + usb adapter and insert a keyboard and type your encryped key pass code.

However, sounds like a bug.

Edit: If you do a fresh install use the default one.

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Sudo apt update

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That too doesnt work


This command updates the available list of software packages, but does not (on its own) replace the installed software. Would have to use sudo apt upgrade for that, iirc.

Did you install anything else?


Are you running byzantium ?

Did you update at the shell prompt or using the GUI?

I think several users have had this problem over the years. So definitely search for existing topics.

The bare minimum might be to boot Jumpdrive on the phone and check whether the /boot partition is full.

If it was a kernel update then you may also be able to back out of the update from the Jumpdrive environment. Did you notice what was updated? Did the update involve a restart (or indeed two restarts)?


Yea i did sudo update and sudo upgrade after

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The kernel and several packages failed to update

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Yes i am on benzytium but i would love to get a crimson but there are no current tutorial on how to upgrade

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My librem 5 has dual boot to crimson from the SD card dual boot, but on crimson the camera app doesn’t work. I use the camera. For me, that means I don’t want crimson on the Librem 5 yet

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Use Jumpdrive to mount the Librem 5’s eMMC, decrypt the LUKS partition, backup any important contents, then reflash with a Byzantium image.

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I will try that

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