Could Facebook be more despicable?

Only somewhat satisfying to read this. Lol! I would like to have seen more mention of their many privacy abuses.

It’s amusing that the survey was conducted by Survey Monkey, which has a connection to Zuckerberg: (Which is also why I always refuse to participate in their surveys, and why I complain to the businesses that ask me to.)

Note that Survey Monkey, now renamed Momentive Inc., is apparently getting bought by Zendesk, which manages the customer help functions for many, many websites.

So…many…bad…companies… Mustreachbanbutton


Yes, a controversial year but … money talks. Revenues up. Shareholders happy. Zuck stays in his job.

I would like to suggest also that Facebook is being unfairly blamed for the ills of society. What is said on Facebook is a reflection of the wider society. If someone shouts something abusive at you, you don’t blame the air that carried the sound waves.

I would suggest a revisit to watch H.G. Wells’ “Things to Come”.

The end riot is caused by a flash-mob after a jumbotron video presentation on world government’s social media network. (Note the comms device was in clear acrylic but did it have user-replaceable components?)

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It’s true, society itself is the source of its own ills, but Facebook obviously capitalizes on that to maximum profit, regardless of the consequences to society.

At any rate, it’s immense fun to blame them! :rofl:

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What’s wrong? LifeLog got y’all down? Systems of scarcity is the means of profit for our Governments of the world. Things will not change till there is a replacement and when peoples needs are being met.

Meta’s Facebook subsidiary has been collecting hashed personal data from students seeking US government financial aid, even from those without a Facebook account and those not logged into the student aid website, according to a research study published this week.

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I have noticed this as well running on a pi zero 2 w. I have it running on a MNT Reform which is using the same ix.8 chip. So it really does not use much in the way of resources.

I’m really looking forward to getting the L5.

It may be despicable, but is it despised?

About a year ago, the great oldies rock star Van Morrison came out with this:

(Apologies if I said this before.)

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Lyrics to that song are here (for those who don’t want to click on a youtube/Google link):

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Hey @amarok - The link no longer works. On landing, the site says they are no longer allowed to provide the lyrics (what ever). Hard time, but I found a link that has yet to be gagged. is a site in German, but the lyrics are in English.

I don’t get it. Police, Fire, hospitals, municipal governments, many public services all use Facebook to release various ‘public announcements’.
Almost everyone has Internet, so why make people join Facebook, just so we might be told to avoid a area due to a “police incident”, details about our taxes, or find out where our kids are being kept for pick-up due to a school shootout (to common) or the latest schedule changes on the transit system. Et cetera. Et cetera…

Our taxes are used to help fund a lot of public services - many only accessible only on FB. The trend seems to be that web sites are for those that can afford to maintain them, complete with all the bells a whistles, bling and glitz (not to mention SMIRCware) and we are being led to use traps like social media, and assimilated to model Stepford Wives and Husbands too.

Yes - I believe they are as the topic says, …“more despicable”.

I wonder if FB told musixmatch to scrub the lyrics. Sorry for lengthy stuff but it is a discussion.


I don’t think FB has any skin in the song or any takedown rights, since it was posted on youtube by Van Morison himself. It seems FB was avoided, no? You can guess that was inferred.

If you haven’t heard the song on youtube because of privacy concerns, you don’t have to log in to youtube listen to it, just open the link, listen, then close your browser and delete the darn cookies or anything else you may have obtained with your linux tools.

For those who didn’t click the youtube link because they think all music should be free, shame. Van Morison at least deserves the twopence of monetization youtube gives, since he posted it himself.

And for the rest of you who didn’t listen for some other reason, two thirds of the song is mostly a repetition of the title, and background singers saying “Do”, (with no “while” clause for you progrmmers).

@Sharon, the link to the lyrics still works for me. Maybe your browser is even more locked down than mine! :rofl:

You may be able to use Invidious/yewtube to view the video, instead of Google/Youtube.

For me it says:

    Restricted Lyrics

      Unfortunately we’re not authorized to show these lyrics.

Maybe it’s geolocked to the US?
Or yes could be some browser setting. I have ad blocking but I think less aggressive than yours.

I get the same behaviour in Chromium as I get in Firefox, so that tends to suggest that it’s not browser settings.

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Interesting. Just now, my link gives me “restricted” also, whereas I had no problem before. The only difference is I’m connected to a different server location with my VPN. It’s still a U.S. server, but I think sometimes there must be relays behind the scenes that might take it to a different region.

So you might want to use or equivalent more private service to investigate any such relay behaviour.

You also have the complicating factor that it worked for you previously, so HTTP content could be in your cache (unless you cleared it explicitly or implicitly).

Don’t know why everyone is obsessed with one site that won’t show the lyrics. The first three sites in Duck Duck Go show them and even Duck Duck Go shows them on the right hand side. (Without the background singers portion.)

If they didn’t click the Google/YouTube link, then they didn’t know what it was or what the title was. OOPS! I should have looked at the image more closely. Lol! (Although after I posted the lyrics link, they could see the title in my link.)

But yeah, it’s easy to search for lyrics once you know the title. :slight_smile:

Yet, even easier when half the lyrics and the title are the same.

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Because curious minds want to understand. :wink:


The Meta Pixel has been incorporated into many hospitals’ websites and initial appointment scheduling page, sending information about the individual, the doctor, and nature of medical condition to Meta.

I’m at a loss for words…except for a long string of some bad ones.

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