Debian-based phosh phone from Hong Kong company & China OEM

Thank you very much for these many details, however I am not enough technician to understand all the ins and outs. Does this mean that the FuriPhone FLX1, uses Android at a software level above Linux, or something like that? Basically it’s an android core on which they run a debian linux?

In fact what I want above all is to have a phone that does not use any part of Android in its startup, bios or main system, except maybe be in an emulation totally closed in a linux so as not to see fly private data at google.

So it would not be for me?

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It uses an android kernel and an emulation layer to run debian on top of it (basically a mapping between bionic c library interface provided by android and gnu c library expected by debian). The kernel is an old version and has some patches from Google. So you won’t get any new improvements that goes to mainline kernel (you will be stuck on that particular version).

Additionally they also comes with waydroid preinstalled, which allows you to optionally install android apps as well. They use LineageOS image in an lxc container and integrated in gnome settings and icons on home screen for installed apps.


Thank you so much for this final clarification :+1: :+1:


One month+ later and all the google code is still there. Can we come to a conclusion after a month?

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The conclusion is actually worse than you described, so I will quote the original claim:

  • The main website ( does not have any Google dependencies, although their GitHub profile is still linked at the footer.
  • All other pages still load Google Fonts (Roboto) and reCAPTCHA, but also include these unmentioned trackers:

The Wordpress and Trustpilot invite JavaScript trackers are automatically blocked by default with the EasyPrivacy filter list using uBlock Origin. What is clear to me is that first-party claims about fixing Google Fonts privacy leaks from 35 days ago on a Hacker News thread does not equate to urgent action.

@pajuky @adamd


Since you have yet to provide context or evidence to explain their seemingly rude behavior to you, we can draw no conclusions about what I was pointing out.

Sad that they didn’t care enough about the analytics and fonts though.

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New reportage: FuriPhone FLX1: A Debian-powered smartphone • The Register