Discovered Why L5 MMSC Fails Now

I found the real problem.

First, understand the issue. That being the new Kiddie-Kewl Blue Background (KKBB) supposedly created to show the KKBB in between Tap On-App and Open-App.

Recommended Fix:
Disable the KKBB - all of it so there is no space where it is and shouldn’t be, and the app. Not a redirect, not a message saying please wait… just tap-and-get.

No matter what I tap now, I get that unsmart background. Clearly, the KKBB doesn’t allow apps to takes the place of KKBB.

How do I completely disable the unnecessary background interruption between tapping the app and access to the expected tapped app result?

App loading WAS, I stress WAS able to open in less than the time it takes to load up a         KKBB.

I’d rather they fix Byzantium’s REAL issues than add more misleading useless time wasting stuff like the KKBB between apps. Geeze. Who thought up that one!
It shouldn’t need the KKBB any way. Needing it only shows how pver rated the L5 is.

p.s. Leave KKBB being a in-between note that we’re waiting for something to load. I for one don’t need a half second or a hours notice that app is loading post tap.
That’s what the circling thing is for.

The camels back is broken now.

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I don’t imagine you can.

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If someone can stick the KKBB in they should     well take it out.
This KKBB has to be the       I’ve seen happen to this piece of work.

It makes to sense to even consider using something so lame that adds more wasted effort on the users victims side.

So, the manual should edited to include swiping the new annoying kiddie-kewl screen up to get at the app they tapped.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they start using the KKBB as a interrupting ad service. You know, tap on Services and get a ad about the:

“Librem 11 blah blah - tap to read more.
‘swipe up to load the app’.

Over a year and this thing is still useless unless. But I am not giving up. I am lead to believe that everyone else, excluding techies, hobbyists, and Kernel users are happy with theirs. So I’ll keep at it where ever it takes me, to be using the thing the way it is supposed to work and as advertised.
I have followed everyone’s instructions to the T.
It’s high time the phone did something positive for a change - - and may a million sand fleas invade the persons under garment that says “It tells the time correctly”.

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If I can rephrase your actual grievance as I think I understand it, it is that some apps (or most, or all, whatever) take too long to load, which leads to your “KKBB” being shown in the interval, i.e. not a “background” problem per se, but a speed thing.

So it would be more effective to file an issue with the developers about the slow app load times. Whether they can do anything about it at present, I don’t know.

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No. The KKBB is the cause. And we need to swipe that KKBB up to get to the app that is opened behind it.

No. Apps, all load fine - - but most, or all, whatever loaded, it loaded behind KKBB and to see what loaded, swipe the KKBB up - there’s the app.

Remember? Before this, when I tapped a icon, the app would start to load and a progression circle spun around and I knew that at least the circle works. But a screen that goes blank with the image and nothing is showing that things are progressing… a blank image that is discovered later to be a background in between tapped and loaded. Bad idea.


I didn’t say you. I said “This forum”.

I have to grudgingly tell you that I feel you did not read my OP. Part of the issue was I was signed up on a “3G” account that no doubt went on to the sim or at Koodo’s mass of servers somewhere that stopped handling 3G a long time ago.
Koodo, my carrier, has done as much as they can by moving me to a 4G account on those servers somewhere.

Puri points me to the Carrier to take responsibility, and Koodo echoes that back.

Some say there are 2 sides to every story. Well I think there are three - that is Puri side, Koodo side, and somewhere in the middle is the solution, conclusion, resolution, or all 3.

This phone(?) is in very bad shape. To me, it’s just a bigger challenge.

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  1. Open Settings → Mobile Network, then under Advanced, select Access Point Names:

  1. On the next screen, tap the + button on the top right corner:

  1. On the next screen, input these two values separately into the two text fields labeled Name and APN, then tap the Save button on the top right corner:

    • Koodo

  1. Open Chats, tap the hamburger menu on the top right corner, then tap Preferences:

  1. Under Protocol Settings, tap SMS and MMS Settings:

  1. Under MMS Carrier Settings, input these three values separately into the three text fields labeled MMSC, APN, and Proxy, then tap the Apply button on the top right corner:


  1. Send an MMS to someone.

That behavior is unusual, normally it is like your experience before.

My suggestion is to turn off and on your Librem 5 to see if that causes any abnormalies to resolve themselves.

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OK, now I understand what you were getting at.

Maybe phosh developer @guido.gunther knows why that is happening.

It happens to me occasionally, too, but only for slow-opening apps, as far as I can tell. I don’t consider it important, though, as the apps eventually load.

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Thank you. No idea why it changed overnight. Maybe it’s not possessed or haunted after all - maybe it’s gremlins. OMG - maybe it’s all three! :grin:
Thanks again.



I recall that I had to reset it after flashing byzantium.


Me too. Seems like it’s defaulting the wrong way but that’s a minor issue I guess.


@amarok & @irvinewade
Is it possible that the OP has a devkit and not evergreen as we have supposed?
Just throwing the idea out there🤷‍♂️

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It’s an Evergreen, based on this:

and: Frequently Asked Questions · Wiki · Librem5 / Librem 5 Community Wiki · GitLab


[quote=“FranklyFlawless, post:21, topic:23867”]
6. *


  1. Send an MMS to someone.

Compared your setup in above and checked and dbl checked - mine match’s everything except:

My Settings doesn’t show “Mobile Network” it shows Settings > Network and below is Mobile. i.e.


but, my “Mobile” settings are same as your’s except of course Network is Koodo and > Koodo is Automatic and Koodo has a check beside it.
If I turn Automatic off it changes to “Choose Network” and after a long wait, it lists a lot of carriers, Koodo is last.

Tested sending Msgs w/ pic - nadda.

I received several messages that state:
You received a MMS, but it expired on 2024-06-27 16:09

The phone lists my sent MMS - the last with a pic as of last Saturday. From the bottom up, it shows one MMS sent and shows pic and dated “Saturday”
Today I received many, many messages inbound sayoing:
I received several messages that state:

You received a MMS, but it expired on 2024-06-27 16:09

Chat put these two expired messages notifications in between 6th (bottom up) and 5th. like the following

You received a MMS, but it expired on 2024-06-27 16:09
You received a MMS, but it expired on 2024-06-27 16:09

All the Saturday sent’s w/ pic are on the right-side, the notifications on left-side. The pics shown Sent has a centred square frame w/ a icon two mountain peaks and moon over the smaller peak. There is only one sent that shows the actual pic.

I think that Koodo received my Send’s w/ pic but no one received them. Then after so many days, they dump it and let me know?

Wish I could get Warp installed. Working on it - then I can take screenshots without hooking L5 up to Hoyoki hub. Can’t do right now in middle getting Warp installed. :woozy_face:

Support has reached out to me and I’m in the midst of preparing L5 to send to them. I don’t know what good it will do if Canada’s carriers are preventing people from using devices that protects the user from stalkers, as well as carrier’s stalkers and spies.
It’s as if carriers are saying:

If we (the Carrier) can’t Stalk you, Monitor you online, Inject code into your device, and Record everything you do online, and from where and at what location, using what device so we may Control you, then you can’t play’.

And they take the Internet and leave.

and I can remember when telephone companies said the Internet is just a fad and wouldn’t support it. Fibbers! :unamused:

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Go to the usage app and force quit chats three times and then it ‘should’ clear up the duplicates

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Now why didn’t I think of that! And it’s so obvious! :crazy_face: and it worked. :+1:

Did that fix a bug or could it continue?


I seem to be having issues with MMS messages now too. I can see the messages arriving in /.mms/modemmanager but they never show up in chatty. Tried killing chatty and reseting everything, deleting the contents of that folder to no avail. Does anyone know what’s going on here?

It was working a couple days ago.

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I am also having the same problem. From Sharon’s informative posts i did a bit of digging around in the phone settings and discovered on 4G i can make and receive calls and receive sms but not send them. MMS won’t work on 4G, if i change network settings to 3G only i can make calls and receive calls, send and receive sms and MMS also works but sometimes gets stuck in the modem. I’m with Vodafone Ireland and they are already in the process of shutting down 3G, Limerick has lost 3G and Dublin will lose it next month. 2G and 4G is all that will be available (5G also but L5 can’t handle that). I have called Vodafone support from my L5 and they do not seem to have any issues with the handset (today they reset my AccessPoint/APN settings for me) but i think i’m kinda in Limbo until 3G is entirely gone. Chatty is hard work, i delete conversations and they persistantly reappear (killall chatty from terminal isn’t reliable), there is no reliability with date stamps in a linear order. And yes messages get stuck in modem (MMCLI checks tell me they are there but something is amiss). I have Volte enabled and modem is up to date. @Sharon please don’t leave, you are a champion!


Hmm. I can send/receive texts, but not send/receive texts (MMS?) with pics.

I did try 3,4G and it defaulted to 3G. It tried 3G only and received 1 text/pic test out 4. Went back to 4G only and still no text&pic. Weird.

I may also make/receive voice calls - although quality is a issue but I think that falls with the carrier.

I feel still that Telcoms want to control things and don’t want any interference such people’s rights to privacy to get in the way.

There is a saying, and attributed IMO to the wrong author but it goes like this ‘Remove one freedom every generation, and soon there’ll be no freedoms and no one will notice’. That was coined a long time ago - before computers.
Now, with the ultra-high speed of communications and purposelessly discombobulated changes in systems, procedures and rules that old axiom should start with ‘Remove one freedom every week and …’

We need tools like Librem stuff. But it’s only really great if we may use it online without anti-privacy thugs and bullies denying us access to internet while using privacy respecting devices.

IMO of course.

Could it be that changes that are collateral damages such as dropping service to privacy respecting devices be slowly creeping around? After all, how many people don’t use duopoly leashes phones?? And how many would make it here to ask what is going on?

I’m gonna go play Oblivion now


When i send a test sms on 4G and it does not come through i get the following when i use

mmcli -m any --messaging-list-sms

/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SMS/0 (unknown)

I would love to say more in response but ‘Walls have Ears’.

Ring Ring Banana Phone, Cellular, modular, interactivodular.

That was not a slight on L5. Just comm’s in general.