Fairphone got a free plug on BBC

… which, legally speaking, can’t happen until they have an FCC ID. Seriously. July 2021. Releases before that are for “developers only” or “prototypes not for resale”. At least that’s the law in the US.

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That’s may true, but on the other hand I’m no developer and I could have the 2nd batch if I would be one of the first people who gave the money in 2017.

It’s a bit tricky at this point.

I have a second board, and I plan on trying a direct eMMC upgrade from 32GB to 128… I’ll be buying a reflow station beforehand…


Good luck.

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Thank you sir, if it works, I will do it to my current L5 and image the SD back to the 128GB eMMC after shrinking the volumes properly…

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Just wondering, is 128 GB eMMC the largest capacity? Where are the components sourced?

That will change soon (info from Matrix). We will get a blog post when it’s done.

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:person_shrugging: “soon” doesn’t mean much to me coming from Purism.

It has a tendency to end up being months to years which does not match my or most peoples I know concept of “soon”.

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Still … “soon” is much more than “never” or “totally unknown”.

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I sold my Librem 5 a few months ago and bought a FairPhone 5 instead. AMA :slight_smile:

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How are you able to justify continuing to give your money and voting power to Google in spite of existing alternatives?

What were the top 3 reasons you sold your Librem 5 (e.g. battery life, phone call issues, wifi issues, bluetooth issues, gps issues)?

Do you intend to put CalyxOS or some other OS on your FairPhone?

What other phones and/or phone OS’s have you used (e.g. have you tried SailfishOS)?

My top 3 reasons were

  1. Battery life, barely survived a 8hr day at work with minimal use
  2. Performance, I’m sure it can perform much better with optimizations, but it was very far away from my hopes
  3. Reliability, e.g. choppy Bluetooth audio, sudden shutdowns, afraid of damaging it on a warm summer day as it got so hot, cumbersome to get GPS working etc.

To be honest, I never even started using it as a daily driver as it was too far away of my requirements. I did probably have unrealistic expectations. So I can’t talk at all about sms/mms/calls/4g.

What I will miss the most is convergence, except for the performance it worked flawlessly. Sold my lapdock too.

I will most likely not buy the next generation Librem 5 either, but if there ever is a third generation I might be interested again.

I will likely try out PostmarketOS on my Fairphone 5 every now and then to see how things are progressing. But on my Fairphone I will not have any custom primary OS, but I will use as many apps as I can from F-Droid repos.

Prior to the Librem 5, I used an OnePlus 7 that I got from work, but tried to install as few apps as possible and ran most apps in the browser. Could still get a free phone from work, but now they only provide iPhone and Samsung so I bought the Fairphone myself instead as I don’t want to support either of those companies.

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