Forum spam statistics?

This is closer to what I alluded to in my first post in this topic.

But both change approaches would be beneficial i.e.

  • clamp down on spam being posted, but when that fails
  • allow more posts to be flagged as spam

For the moment, I will see about getting the spam flag limit raised. If we don’t stop spammers from posting e.g. 10 spam topics, I don’t see why we would want to set a spam flag limit of less than that number.

In the longer term though, I would like to stop spammers from posting 10 spam topics in the first place!That’s just harder. It is possible that later on if we are doing better with stopping spam being posted in the first place then the spam flag limit could be dropped back down.

All forum parameters are set by the forum administrator, which is not me. But I can at least advocate for a change.

Spammers must have taken this weekend off, away on holidays. :wink:


There may be some useful ideas here: Tips for Preventing Spam - Site Management - Discourse Meta


I noticed one yesterday

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These two look promising:

Speaking from the experience of running my own mail servers, where spam is a vastly larger problem than in this forum, I make two observations about such a function.

  1. It requires constant care and feeding. While that isn’t necessarily a fatal objection, it does require someone with the access, motivation and time to manage it.
  2. This can be vulnerable to homograph attacks and similar attacks utilising the richness of Unicode (where ‘attack’ here simply means that the watched word action will be bypassed).

The second observation is of a general nature. For all I know Discourse may handle that automatically.


Right, we also do not necessarily know if the spammer(s) will adapt to these countermeasures, or if their attacks and resources are only bot-scripted.

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