Getting ghosted by support

I never used Mastodon before. I created an account but following him does not work.

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It’s happening to me right now. Apparently they had a backlog…

My beautiful air-gapped Librem 5 battery needs replacement. When I finally got a response, they told me that they don’t have any support whatsoever. No battery specs were provided. No dealer network. No address to send the laptop in for battery replacement. Nada.

This is a $1,700 piece of equipment. I have pointed that out to them nicely and asked for any of the above info and now they are gone again. I’m very close to doing the legwork to report them to their state Atty General for lack of product support. How can they sell insanely expensive laptops and not provide basic product support? Hard lesson this one.


If the issue is just needing a new battery and if you live in the US:

ps: just to work around a silly rule of the forum software

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Wow. I really appreciate that info. I wonder why Purism Support didn’t just send me that link? Instead, their support person told me that they no longer made a battery for the Librem 5 and no alternatives, specs, nothing. It was so rude. So, that battery will fit inside my laptop?

Purism’s product listings don’t have specs or dims, so for a layperson, who’s never seen or replaced an internal laptop battery - that photo looks like an external hard drive. I went right by it.

Then the next challenge is finding a company to replace the battery once I get it.

Does anybody know why Purism doesn’t provide real product support or even a dealer network? These are very high end products. It just seems really weird.

When I started this process, all I was looking for was an address to send the Librem 5 laptop for battery replacement. It would have been so simple. I could have been done with this issue twice for the time I’ve wasted with this company. I promise, I will NEVER come back here EVER again and I will blog the crap out of Purism for dropping me on my head like this. Meow.


Since Librem 5 is a mobile phone, its battery will probably fit inside a laptop, but would be rather useless sitting there.


The Librem 5 is a phone, not a laptop. Before any additional questions or statements can be addressed, clarify the device(s) you are looking to receive technical support.


So are you asking about a Librem 5 (phone) or a laptop??

The key question regarding battery is … what country are you located in?


You received a Service Desk ticket number in response to an email to and were speaking to Purism Support? What is your ticket number so I can see the context and attempt to follow what you are saying? Your comments seem largely incongruent with my understanding and there clearly seems to be several large points of miscommunication.

If you go to the shop page and search “battery,” this is the page that appears Search Results for “battery” – Purism and it is likely that your product is listed.

As others have stated, Librem 5 is a phone and Librem 13/14/15 are laptops. Domestic shipment of batteries in the USA is simple; international shipment is more complicated, as Purism doesn’t possess the required certificates to do this at this time. Purism provides 1-year (standard) and 3-year (optional purchase) warranties (see Policies – Purism) and will process both in-warranty and out-of-warranty RMAs.


Thank you Irvine Wade. I’m in the USA. I thought I would just contact Purism and get the address to send the laptop to for battery replacement. That was on July 9th… OMG. This whole thing is just unimaginable to me. Doesn’t Purism do product support? Trust me. If I had known that a laptop that was this expensive, would not include any product support, I would never have done this. What a nightmare.

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Then it should be easily possible for you to get a replacement battery. (That’s the good news.) Evidently, Purism Support is being unresponsive. JCS should be able to help push your ticket along.

PS Please don’t quote private correspondence in a publicly-accessible place.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Dangers / power of RF?

The Librem 15 battery entry in the Shop is showing “Out of stock,” unfortunately.

(It’s also quite expensive.)

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