How do you install Google Chrome on PureOS

I work at Mozilla. I expect I’ll just install nightly or beta and update, within the browser, often. (I wrote those security advisories…)

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The plot thickens. :smiley:

Thank you for that work and look forward to your feedback on how we can improve.

Thanks, Now I will try to figure out the process to get it done. I’m not Linux savvy.

Other than a knee-jerk recoil in horror when I go to about: and see 52.8? :slight_smile:

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I went to this site and BOOM, Google Installed.

Maybe it might seem dumb but I think you should first have them get used to Firefox and other free softwares before even having them go on the Linux road, it will be easier for them to do the switch later and will be infinitely more respectful for their privacy as I don’t really see the point of buying a privacy focused laptop if you intend to put a big hole in it.


If you go to a terminal and type the following into a terminal:

$ wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list

(type or copy/paste the following line in the file you just created)
deb [arch=amd64] stable main

then type Ctrl-x y Enter, followed by

$ sudo apt-get update

You should be able to search for and install google-chrome

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hi there! :slight_smile:

theres also ungoogled-chromium to consider, but id also like to recommend firefox. btw this is available only in source if im right.

on the purism side of the coin, i think there should be a way to use firefox with some additional post install config, so theres no need to have a fork that is outdated, for the benefits of vulner patches, for the “quantuum speed” and some ease around it, but i dunno how such an installation can fit into the debian packaging system/policy. i wondered for such a long time about making a fine tune install&postinstall stuff for debian, but not a fork, cuz thats something that asking for pain :smiley:

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