How does one activate Landscape viewing on the Librem 5 phone and how can turning the phone sideways, activate landscape viewing mode?

How does one activate Landscape viewing on the Librem 5 phone and how can turning the phone sideways, activate landscape viewing mode?

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Just toggle rotation button in settings panel. Glad to receive message from interstellar space, didn’t know there was a L5 on Voyager 1 !


Also: if all the hardware kill switches are off, that locks the sensors too. Because of this, rotating the screen would not activate landscape mode and rotate it automatically.

Ok, now I got curious. Is someone able to calculate how many times powerful L5 is compared to Voyager 1’s computers? Comparison of power consumption issues might be interesting read too - so much has to be done with so relatively little :wink:


Thank you for replying. Would you kindly, list the specific steps to reach the rotation button in the settings panel as I have failed to find the rotation button.

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  1. Swipe down from the top toolbar to access Quick Settings.
  2. In the second screenshot I provided, there is an icon with the text “Off” on it. Toggle it to “On”.

You can learn about this from the Librem 5 Tour app.

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Depends what you want to compare (CPU horsepower, volatile storage, non-volatile storage, I/O bandwidth, something else). I really don’t know but my guess is that it would be so far behind the Librem 5 (or any other contemporary smartphone) that no comparison is worthwhile.

Edit: See also What kind of computers are used on the Voyager spacecraft? in Voyager - Frequently Asked Questions