How to download and run anything?

I apologize in advance for my newness but im trying to download things using pure os and i cannot get anything to open or run? I double click on it and it says that no applications are found. Any help would be great.

Click right button to empty place in folder, which contain your binary file and press on “Open ternimal”

Terminall allow to launch graphical applications. To launch application, write ./ (point and slash symbols) and name of file, which you want to run. If nothing happen, write chmod +x and name of your file.

You can download applications as in Windows and launch it from folder, but i recommend to use package manager for it. PureOS package manager compatible with Debian and Ubuntu, and packages have .deb extension.

when i click on the download a screen opens up with 4 options 1. a package symbol control.tar.gz 2. a package symbol and data. tar.gz 3. a script symbol debian-binary 4. script symbol and _gpgbuilder I cannot get the “open ternimal” option to come up.

my only options are to open, open with, or extract. when i click open it says that no applictions are found and this is where i am stuck. I hope this helps clear up my predicament

Without knowing what kind of files you downloaded, we can’t tell you how to open or run it. Can you provide the filenames of what you downloaded?

it is the trezor bridge. trezor-bridge_2.027_amd64.deb

Did you right click on it, go into Properties and make it an executable?

when i right click on the file in downloads i can only 1. open with file manager, 2. copy location, 3 add to bookmarks. 4. show hidden files (box next to it) 5. show size column (box next to it) 6. show time (box next to it) 7. sort folders before files (box next to it)

A .deb file it’s a Debian installer, you can use dpkg to install it.

sudo dpkg -i /home/your user name here/Downloads/trezor-bridge_2.027_amd64.deb

Insert your password and press enter.

You can also, right click on it, select “open with another app” and choose “software installation?..” my system is in another language but should be something like that, and you will be able to install it from there.

Visit here. PureOS is derived from Debian, so Debian’s manuals are mostly suitable for working with PureOS.

Hi NU2PUREOS, I assume you where able to download and launch your application eventually. Can you let me know how you did it? I am having the same issues. This is not in any way intuitive. There has to be an easy way. Any advice woyld be greatly appreciated.

If you prefer to use the graphical user interface (and want a way to have missing dependencies for your .dep file installed for you):

Click on the menu button in the upper left. You’ll get a search field in the upper middle of the screen. Type nautilus into the search field to find your file manager.

Browse to the directory you downloaded your .deb file to - if you didn’t choose any directory it’s probably ‘Downloads’ in your home directory.

Right click on the software you downloaded and use the second entry from the top (I’m on a german translation and it says ‘Mit anderer Anwendung öffnen’ - something like ‘open with different application’).

There you should be offered something like ‘software installation’ already. Choose that and follow instructions.