How to keep screen always on while using pure maps?

So I tried pure maps again on my L5, but I don’t manage to keep the screen always on, how to do it?

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PureMaps support that Feature from Poormaps(PureMaps Base) so i guess that Feature does not work on Gnu PureOS but SailfishOS. However there are Applicacion that Enable that Feature on Any Application running, so far I don’t know of any for Phosh because i never needed.

Purism :cowboy_hat_face:

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Settings → Power, then change Screen Blank’s value to Never.

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This Settings → Power → Screen Blank parameter is also one of the parameters set by my app “prepuse” (see It is configured in the blank screen preparation file “blank-screen.prep” to run “gsettings org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay …”. This preparation is used in the use-case files “pure-maps.use” (where it is set to never) and in the use-case “no-gps.use”, where it is set to the previous value again.

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a bit annoying to do and undo this each time I use puremaps…on mobian trixie it’s all automatically, i’ve been using it on the pinephone.

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Maybe wrap the real application in a shell script i.e. a shell script that gets (saves), sets, runs the real application, sets (restores) the appropriate setting (using gsettings commands based on the example above). You would then create a .desktop file for the shell script and use that new .desktop file instead of using the real application directly.

However that is not at all sound if running multiple applications at once and two or more of them carry out the same logic. (In that case, you would need more sophisticated logic but the basic idea still applies.)

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