HOWTO make a quickdial button

If I can slightly deviate from this thread. its about creating a button, but rather than dial, I want to run some VPN commons with ProtonVPN cli. The following is not executing for me.

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=gnome-terminal – bash -c “/usr/bin/protonvpn-cli d”

Can anyone see what I’m doing wrong? I want to disconnect VPN when the button is clicked. But, that isn’t happening.

I don’t know if this matters, but I notice you’re missing the Type=Application line in what you wrote above.

Also StartupNotify=true, not Startupnotify=true… (Not sure if that matters either, but it’s worth a try.)

And probably:
Exec=gnome-terminal -x bash -c
Exec=gnome-terminal – bash -c

I should point out that I don’t know what I’m doing, really, just basing my tips on what worked for me when I created several apps, which in turn was based on copying instructions from more knowledgeable people on the internet.

thanks @amarok. I added the Type=Application and capitalization. But, it still wasn’t working.

For the -x vs. --, I read in the bash man page that -x is being deprecated. I tested the – with a basic command, and it did work. The .desktop seems to work if it is just returning standard output. But, when I need to actually execute a command it doesn’t seem to work?! I’ll keep testing.

Thanks for the links to the apps you created also! Your approach is the same as mine :slight_smile:

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