@irvinewade @FranklyFlawless
So I have followed the instructions exactly as the video and documentation. I have also used a live Debian USB.
1st attempt was unsuccessful :
uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- lib1.4.193
Success 0 Failure 1
3:11 1/ 0 [Failure open usb device,Try sudo uuu ]
After searching in the threads, I’ve found that sudo shoud be used.
2nd attempt was destructive :
the Librem 5 is briked → bootloop and no possibility to get red LED (it becomes green after 1 second). The error message is :
user@debian:~/librem5-flash-image$ sudo ./scripts/librem5-flash-image --stable --variant plain
2025-01-31 16:26:20 INFO Looking for librem5r4 plain byzantium image
2025-01-31 16:26:21 INFO Found disk image Build "stable" 'Last stable librem5r4 build' from Tue Oct 22 20:00:28 2024
2025-01-31 16:26:22 INFO Found uboot Build 85 from Thu Aug 25 13:22:41 2022
2025-01-31 16:26:22 INFO Downloading to ./tmp_librem5-flash-image_qo3ng1jp
2025-01-31 16:26:23 INFO Downloading image from https://storage.puri.sm/librem5/images/byzantium/latest/librem5r4/plain/artifact/librem5r4.img.xz
2025-01-31 16:28:22 INFO Calculating sha256sum of ./tmp_librem5-flash-image_qo3ng1jp/librem5r4.img
2025-01-31 16:28:25 INFO Downloading uboot from https://arm01.puri.sm/job/u-boot_builds/job/uboot_librem5_build/85/artifact/output/uboot-librem5/u-boot-librem5.imx
Enter the flashing mode by holding volume-up button while turning the phone on.
If it's not detected, follow these steps:
- Ensure that the phone is powered off
- Turn all Hardware-Kill-Switches off
- Unplug the USB cable if connected
- Remove battery
- Hold volume-up button
- Insert the USB-C cable (red light blinks, no green light)
- Reinsert the battery (red and green lights constantly on, the script will continue)
- Release volume-up button
uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- lib1.4.193
Success 0 Failure 1
3:11 3/ 5 [Bulk(W):LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT ] FB: flash -raw2sparse all librem5r4.img
2025-01-31 16:31:06 INFO Cleaning up.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/user/librem5-flash-image/./scripts/librem5-flash-image", line 546, in <module>
File "/home/user/librem5-flash-image/./scripts/librem5-flash-image", line 529, in main
flash_image(uuu_target, args.debug)
File "/home/user/librem5-flash-image/./scripts/librem5-flash-image", line 359, in flash_image
subprocess.check_call(['uuu', uuu_target])
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/subprocess.py", line 413, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['uuu', './tmp_librem5-flash-image_qo3ng1jp/flash_librem5r4.lst']' returned non-zero exit status 255.
You can imagine how annoyed I am that, after following the instructions, I have an inert object and I have probably wasted around $500 because it lacks a “factory reset” function (on encrypted Android, you can factory reset).
It’s just like my experience with Purism: a huge frustration and disappointment considering the promises of the initial campaign I’d enthusiastically taken part in.
Anyway, if anyone would be so kind as to help me out of this big problem, I’d be very grateful, thank you.