Immunization Passports in Europe

Merkel said that such a system could be implemented as soon as the summer, but claimed that the introduction of a vaccine passport “does not mean that only those who have a vaccination passport are allowed to travel,” according to the German broadcaster DW.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen praised Israel’s implementation of ‘Green Passes’, a system in which the government tracks and documents an individual’s vaccination history in order to facilitate travel or to attend synagogues, theatres, concerts, or to go to the gym.

According to they don’t want to implement a central database for the immunizations. Instead, the people will get an QR code which they can scan with a smartphone and the pass will just be saved locally on the device with the help of some app. Alternatively, it would be sufficient to just take the printed code without any smartphone-use.
They even could use some semi standard like esPass oder pkpass but I’m sure they’ll implement it as closed as possible.


I’m relatively confident that the relevant authorities in my country will not introduce a requirement for the general public to use a closed source smartphone app or a specific smartphone OS. I’m less confident that they will achieve that outcome by offering a platform-neutral digital immunization passport or a paper or plastic alternative. They might just require rapid testing to always be offered as an alternative, or something similarly inconvenient.

I think there are some countries in Europe that would be happy to impose a closed source app or OS requirement, but I think that the EU as a whole has the intelligence and political will to choose a better solution.

I am not concerned about international travel, but I am concerned about needing to present a passport to access local businesses, services or events, or to go to work, and I am fearful of not being able to do these things without purchasing and carrying one of Big Tech’s disposable surveillance and manipulation devices. If I was looking for a job, I would be worried that not being able to immediately present my fondleslab for a passport check during an interview could be seen as a sign that I am awkward or uncooperative or technologically illiterate.

A digital scheme needs to be carefully designed if it is to avoid creating a data trail involving more personal data than the necessary vaccination status. I am not confident that my country has the political will and political imagination to achieve that on its own. (And my country seems to be obsessed with doing things on its own.) Hopefully an international standard can be agreed that does achieve privacy aims, and hopefully my country will see the sense in adopting such a thing.

Aside from the rights of individuals, I think there is a chance that businesses will be expected to check these passports using a closed source app running a particular operating system. (Which can also be a loophole for requiring individuals to use it.) And will the scheme be designed in such a way that I, as a passport holder, do not need to have any trust in the software that third parties are using to scan my passport?

Some positive news there from @epinez, I see.

You don’t need to install anything, suffice to use web plugin.

Hmm… that’s still installing Zoom’s proprietary software. The only difference is that it installs it transparently and temporarily inside your browser. I have the “luxury” of being able to choose to teach via Jitsi (with complaints from some students, because of course, when it works less well than Zoom, it has to be because of Jitsi, whereas when Zoom works less well they don’t even notice ;-), but even in my case it’s impossible to do my job without running Zoom’s proprietary code for some activities.

Installing means software remains resident on your pc. you can do without it. temporarily is not “install”, just “use”. Same as you don’t install discourse when you read this forum, just download and run javascripts to render content. I’m not saying it’s ok, I just mean you always have a choice. Had a choice. Now with this pandemic of common sense the freedom of choice degenerates to freedom to stay at home.

The consensus on this EU passport operation and expected timeframe for rolling it out before summer is unprecedented in EU terms.

It seems to me that the ongoing pressure by Google and Apple to strike again, in colaboration even to bring a digital ‘solution’ to the market, has been leading here; forcing a European solution - still so many uncertainties and ethical issues related - we might not have wanted if it wasn’t for Big Tech interfering with political and health related affairs once again.

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Remember in 2020, how just weeks into the pandemic, a covid app was automatically installed onto everyone’s phone, without their permission?
Hah! … C’mon

Btw, I have to say I’m sorry to Purism; back in March I got uppity about them sanitizing shipments incoming from China. That was wrong and silly of me, in light of what’s happened since. I was duped. That was early on though; clearly, I’m not diabolical enough to have predicted where this would go, but I’m awake now.

So here we are. The dollar is queued up to crash along with the world economy, awaiting our ‘great reset.’ We’re still locked down and masked up, and the only solutions coming from on high is mRNA jabs, contract tracing and digital passports–with a tacit promise that our lives will return to normal if we all just comply.

Woe on to those who accept the ‘immunization passport.’


Uhm? Never heard about it (from anyone I know) and never had myself any covid app installed on my phone

Don’t be confused by the word “app”. Think of it as a feature!

Yes, Coronavirus tracking was installed on your phone. No, it’s not doing anything (just yet)

… Too many articles, just look it up.

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I’m not confused, just asking you not to confuse people. That google tracks you is a fact, that google wants to join the party to eat the eu covid funds is a fact, so the fact they demonstrate the API (readiness to start tracking for money) is not surprise. But I don’t have covid apps on my phone, that’s also a fact :slight_smile:

Okay, if you say so.
I’d contend such an app isn’t even necessary, as they collect sensor data from your phone by the millisecond and store it indefinitely, anyway.

~250 million people have been forcefully ejected from the ‘Matrix’ since 1918 due to ‘various’ gov. ‘activities’ be it war, deportation, various-environment degrading ‘activities’, general irresponsibility regarding nuclear energy production, the systematic failure to provide adequate and thorough possibilities for facts to be expressed about big-pharma’ practices and the evil practices of the mililtary-industrial-complex throughout the world, etc.

we build churches but now they won’t let us in if we don’t wear masks … next thing you know they’ll make elderly people use smartphones if they want to attend a liturgy in some of the countries that still have that going on.

i remember reading up in one book that was documenting the crimes against humanity in former communists countries that the priests and Christians who were locked inside one of the concentration camps (political prisons) were serving the daily liturgy in their cramped 2x4 cell (@ -10 degree C) using one of the priests as a table (lying horizontally) while the other 5 were acting as table legs (two at each side and one in the middle for support of the lumbar region and one in the front) … good memories :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :innocent: they say that if you stop the stories then the memories will fade too … remembered that from Jojo Rabbit (2019 film) :wink:

in ww2 they deported Gypsies in Transnistria by the millions but soon they won’t even have to force people anywhere. they’ll just choose exile by their own free will … :mask: can’t w8 for JC to come …

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Seriously, Gypsies? What does that have anything to do with the topic? If you are trying to derail the thread and this turns political, I’m closing it.


on the contrary, by NOT including minorities or racially persecuted people it WOULD have been political …

FYI they (Gypsies) don’t record their history (much too nomadic for that) so it’s really easy to forget some aspects of history.

yes, i understand that not everybody cares about such matters but i enjoyed history in school so it’s part of my weirdness for trying to keep people in the know. what each person does with knowledge is not up to me …

Okay, but what’s the relation to immunization passports?

oh, the relation … not much, except that immunization passports are used to identify and thus separate between who had the V@X and who didn’t … much like the armbands that the J3w$ were forced to wear in the ww2. so what’s the big deal ? if you can point me to some proper research that’s been done to PROVE once and for all that the v!ru$ has been properly isolated/purified in non-degrading chemical mixtures, then perhaps i’ll fall in line … until then …

…and that’s why I predict this thread will qualify for getting closed.

Analog or digital doesn’t matter, but this is apartheid. The only difference between this one and the South African one is by which rule the people is segregated. Anyone pro immunization passports are pro apartheid.

Although I started the question asking about vaccine passports in Europe, I thought that others on the thread might find interesting the US situation. I just got the first shot of the Covid-19 vaccine today and was given a card by the nurse who alternatively called it a “vaccine passport” and “vaccine certificate”; she added that, in addition to bringing it for the second jab, I should keep it with my passport because it could become necessary for travel. The document is shown below:


I wonder why paper alternatives to the yellow card are created. The information in it are totally the same. Don’t you use that UN standardized immunization pass in the US?