Information needs to be corrected on Posts, Products, and Shop pages

OK, so I think that what is happening here is that
a) Purism is not specifying a language at all on that page, and
b) you have enabled automatic translation in Google Chrome (on by default?).

The recommended fix for the first one (@Kyle_Rankin) is as outlined here:

however I would disagree on principle with the idea of putting in

<meta name="google" content="notranslate">

as some crappy proprietary Google metadata. (The other suggestions are reasonable.)

The recommended fix for the second one (@Sharon) is as outlined here:

but better would be "Donā€™t use Google Chrome at all ! "

and if you do choose to use Google Chrome then first check that you have specified a reasonable default language (in your case presumably Canadian English or Canadian French or both), which is also covered by the config mentioned in the howtogeek article.

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Thank you very much for this detailed answer.

I hadnā€™t considered that it was an endless cat and mouse game, but your response definitely helped me understand the problem. Iā€™m happy that the google stuff is easy to block, and I can safely make my purchases on the Purism shop without any google connections.

I wish more online shops were as good as the Purism shop.

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Nope. Not my end. I said before, I will search best I can before jumping down any rabbit hole.

Business has to play with business - whether we like it or not.

Funny you provided the link to howtrogeek. I already read the same thing before mentioning it here.

Summary: Itā€™s not the end user. It didnā€™t bother me, seeing other errors in typos and grammar, and simply obsolete stuff, or following a link I was handed, was a 404.
I just thought someone new might look at whole and think ā€˜Hmm, not good housekeepersā€™.

Itā€™s your house.
