Information policy

He (Brian Lunduke) signed up for an account on this form about 9 hours ago, made this post with some updates about 8 hours ago, then made this post responding to some follow-up questions about 5 hours ago.

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Thanks mate, I missed that.
But until someone here in the forum (there are guys that ordered on day one) says that has received his email, it doesn’t add anything to the situation.

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until someone here in the forum says that has received his phone

Fixed that for you. I know an email is a step along the way, but if all you want is an email, I can send you an email. :slight_smile:

I’m a little confused about the timing of the email relative to shipment though. Since the email determines the modem, and someone has to install the modem in the phone, and pack the box with the right power supply plug - the email has to be sent some time before shipment or, conversely, there is a delay after the email and before shipment.

I would guess that this aspect of fulfillment is not very mature at this stage.

Since I’m just ruminating, I wonder how many people will never get their phone either because

a) they backed the project and then lost touch with the project and forgot about it (would anyone burn US$600 like that? I don’t know), or

b) they backed the project and then all contact details were invalidated by the passage of time and Purism can’t contact them.


information policy or icoc - if 1k spoons “decide” to suddenly fly in the corner (AT THE SAME TIME) then we might have a problem here. my Ibex link seems to be the right call …

Just to make sure what I am talking about:

  1. I do not want to know how many devices are in which batch. I think this may remain a company secret.
  2. I do not want to know how many devices already have been shipped and to whom.
  3. I do not want to know about further technical problems that occured, minor adjustments, etc.

It was pretty clear to me (and I assume to many others) that I will receive my phone in Q3. Than the shipping announcement came and after the famous email I replied to my expectation was to get an answer when my phone will be in my hands.

So the only thing I now want to know from Purism is:

In which batch am I?

And it is pretty disappointing, that they cannot answer.
And honestly: I do not feel this is an information I should search for. It should be delivered. By the way, where to search for? Youtube? Purism forum? Purism L5 FAQ? Developer documentation? Mastodon? No clear communication strategy IMHO.


I would like to know that too - but it has been suggested that the batch sizes are not pre-determined and instead arise dynamically out of the maturing (ramping up) manufacturing process. Without fixed sizes they literally can’t tell you what batch you are in.


That is exactly the point. Only speculations. And trying to anwer central question indirectly via batch sizes and point of time when you ordered.

Hey Purism,
what about updating FAQ like this:

Q: When will I know when my device arrives?
A: We are currently working on a plan to calculate individual delivery. With regards to destination country, choice of modem, production schedule, designated batch slot and desired batch slot we will get back to via Email until xx.xx.xxxx