A while back, I created a topic in this forum asking for help to set the graphical display back to a PC when remoting-in to the Librem 5 via ssh. I thought I was doing something wrong when I couldn’t get that working. But after a few days of hacking on my Linux PC and my Librem 5 to get them to work together, I am starting to wonder if that fearure is broken on the Librem 5. I use ssh sometimes at work. Back before ssh was available, I used rlogin a lot. So I am no stranger to making this fearure and ones like it work. But after two days of heavy hacking, I had no luck. Each time I tried something new, I expected it to work. Even with several edits to the sshd_config file on the Librem 5, exporting the display to a PC is still broken on the Librem 5, at least to me. The best I could do is to get only x11 programs (xeyes, xclock, etc) running on the Librem 5, to display via my Ubuntu box, on the PC monitor byexporting the display from the localhost, on the Librem 5. But that feels like a weak workaround and none of the gnome applications will export to an external PC that way.
The reason this matters so much to me is that I can’t imagine creating an applications development environment that doesn’t put the Librem 5 phone display on the Development PC monitor. The consolation today was at least being able to edit text files on the Librem 5, using vi, while remoting in to the Librem 5 from my Ubuntu box. At least SSH gives me a bash prompt to work with on the PC. I even tried working both with and without using my VPN network and my non-vpn network, suspecting that my COX internet router might be blocking something within my own internal network.
So the question is: are the graphical programs broken as an export to remote PCs? Has anyone out there been able to get gnome-chess (for example) running from their Librem 5, to display on their PC, via ssh? If you can do it, please tell me how you got it to work. Setting up an internal VNC connection (just within my home) might be good too if that’s what it takes.