Is GPS supposed to work?

I perform some investigations about GPS. Finally, I was able to passthrough it into waydroid and check the type of visible satellites by GPS test. I see that only GPS satellites are visible (no GLONASS, QNSS and others). It is really strange as soon as the installed module (Teseo-LIV3F) should work with all of them. I’ve checked the firmware configuration according to the user manual (UM2229) and it looks like everything fine: I could switch to, e.g., GLONASS only mode and did not see any satellites at all. So, I have no idea what else I can check. Does anybody see more than dozen satellites in one time?


Glonass take long time than Gps,BeiDou and Galileo, however Glonass could take extratime to connect or never-connect depends on Librem 5 revisions. i not saying that Glonass is slow but that,s current state of support for L5.

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Tanks for explanation!
Could it be a firmware of the gps module issue?

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It is a- issue from g.n.s.s module firmware where Glonass can not work together with others satellites also Glonass lack of Assisted Data feature. However L5 GNSS may improved with incoming GLES3.0.

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Which navigation software are you using? GPS itself started working for me after some time, but the default maps app does not seem to support the sort of turn-by-turn live-updated navigation like one gets on Android or be very optimised for using on this screen size while driving at all (at least from what I remember, last time I used it). Being able to run driving directions on my Librem 5 would be really useful, since the phone I usually use for navigation will force close all apps including the maps while I am driving when it gets hot enough, and in such a situation having another backup would be very helpful. Lack of any decent navigation app is also the main thing that would stop me from going anywhere with only my Librem 5, as opposed to bringing my other phones along.

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Well. Back in the good old days the gps used to work, not flawlessly, but it worked.
This holiday it only worked once!

What the hell happened?

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I am not trying to be difficult but PureMaps with OSM ScoutServer downloaded maps for my state in the United States, has been working very well for me for turn-by-turn navigation and other mapping functions.


Clarify whether you actually mean GPS or rather talking about location services as a whole.

A few months ago Mozilla has shut down Mozilla Location Services, which was used for obtaining location based on cellular towers, Wi-Fi networks and/or GeoIP. This part doesn’t work anymore unless you edit your Geoclue config to use some other service (such as beaconDB, Positon, Google or your own OLS instance).

Nothing changed regarding GNSS (which includes GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou). Unless you upload fresh ephemeris data to the module by yourself, you’ll still need to wait at least a few minutes with a good view of the sky in order to get a cold fix, like you always did.