Is there a better way of getting a newer version of glib?

I am trying to write and build some programs with rust for the Librem 5, on the Librem 5. For my gui I am using:

  • Relm4

The issue I am having is that PureOS only has glib 2.66.8 while Relm4 requires glib 2.74.

I have a couple of things I could do:

  • Build a later version of glib with these instructions
  • Use an older version of Relm4 (I would prefer not to do this) that hopefully compiles with an older version of glib

Is there a better way than this? Anyone have any ideas?

Upcoming PureOS Crimson. :wink:

First one is fine if you really want to compile on the Librem 5 itself. But that can be time, resource and disk usage exhausting.

Another way would be using Docker or Podman on a linux host to just use some build container or setting up a VM with some bleeding edge or more recent distro. E.g. Fedora, Debian Testing, non LTS Ubuntu, …

I’m look forward to it. But when?

Sounds like a big job, but I’ll add it to my options.

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They’re working on and tell us “it’s done when it’s done”. I think Purism don’t know how much time it will take. Don’t expect it very soon. But it will come before Debian get another version name - I guess. :smile:

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Too heavy Glib may be better Flatpacking?

That won’t work. Flatpak is for GUI applications.

You could also use e.g. a Github Action / Gitlab Runner.

@aaronrolls I made a short tutorial for how to install a Debian 11 VM with ARM arch on an x64 system: More Librem 5 apps! – A tutorial to compile Flutter apps for Librem 5 on x64 machine Just a few commands to get the system working. Just head to the Debian section and ignore everything else.


This is tangentially related… Is there a way of getting a newer version of modemmanager? Even crimson seems to use 1.18.x instead of the 1.20.x. Is it going to update, any plans?

Interestingly, there is a snap version for Debian but it didn’t seem to work. And that’s not a GUI app.