It's a burning phone

Could @veleno 's bumper/case be preventing the heat from escaping through the frame?


Oh yeah, I’d definitely not use a bumper case when the phone’s docked. It’s exactly the opposite of what I was suggesting above with the fan :sweat_smile:


No screen connection, just L5! Thank you for suggestion: if it happens again, I’ll check which process cause it and I’ll post screenshot/pic here!
Thank you :pray:


ok! found that system process is locked on 100% and RAM and Swap 99,9%
L5 hot and unresponsive (I tried to open terminal and digit: sudo kill -9 (system pid)) to see what would happened but L5 totally unresponsive! I had to switch off it forcing pressing power button.
Hope this can help you to understand the problem!
Thank you, Dos :slight_smile:


Concur. The same problem. it does take over 4h to charge that device. it cools down after it’s charged. It looses charge rapidly does not last 4h much. Is that normal for a phone? librem5
I was wondering why that was laying in box, husband was exited. and then not. Well… I’m trying to be polite to developers here but I’m really perplexed how was this product release to market in such a state.

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In my experience, the phone takes about 4h to charge and lasts on battery about 4-6h when under constant active usage, 12h when idle and 20h when suspended (with the modem active, under reasonable signal coverage). “It looses charge rapidly does not last 4h much” does not sound normal.


i have noticed similar behaviour when memory runs out phone gets hot anecdotally, i added another swapfile, only disadvantage is that phone UI is less responsive as more and more swap is filled, ideally it should prioritize OS UI, network, and currently interacted with app processes on internal memory and move the rest to swap, i have a feeling it does not make any distinctions


I hope Purism will fix it in crimson (hope to see this upgrade before I become old and die, so before 40sh years :sweat_smile:)