L5 battery local action discharge?

Hello all,

With my phone off and kill switches set to off I’ve noticed my battery(s) draining after a full charge from 95% to ~55% within a 24-36 hr period.

What could be the issue? Battery local action?

Kind regards.

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Possibly the calibration is off and hence those percentages can’t be relied upon (in which case you would need to recalibrate).

(If this is practical to try) what happens if you leave your phone off for a period of time such that the charge would have declined to 0% and hence the phone wouldn’t power on at all? (To conduct this test, you may need to make “24-36 hr” more precise.)

Do you have more than one battery? (You can confuse the phone if you swap batteries and/or use an external charger.)

Battery could be faulty or aged.

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I believe it is most likely caused by the swapping of batteries as you have mentioned.

As of this moment I am leaving the phone on and allowing it to draw down and then recharge it. And following the info I searched for in this link:

Thanks for the direction!

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Using the Power Statistics app, would the “Capacity” reading be an indicator of battery health?

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I believe so when compared to the “percentage of charge” if it is diminishing over time.

Compare my photo power stat. After a charge overnight a discharge then a recharge…

What I’ve done since my original posted problem was completely discharge a battery and recharge in the phone a few times. Now I need to do the other spare battery to keep it topped up as a spare…hopefully I dont run in to the same issue again by doing this.