For anyone curious it’s an opening bid of $900, you can buy it now for $1,499.00.
Good luck with the sale OP!
Problem with something like this is we have no idea what happens to the warranty/tech support contract in this kind of situation.
What I know about, warranty belongs to the very particular Librem 5 Linux smartphone, it is inclusive and support@
Team is aware of every delivered Librem 5 status (original owner + about the rest of warranty still available and about originally issued warranty dates, actually that provided warranty period certainly counts for the new owner as well).
EDIT: @abundance, as current owner, is the one to ask support@
Team directly and confirm to you @muon what I just wrote above.
Yes if someone is willing to buy I will gladly speak to Purism support about transferring the warranty.
Yes there is some willingness or even good will to buy this brand new Librem 5 USA from you but @muon needs to step in (or someone else), make decision about purchasing what you are kindly offering here and contact you over private message within this Forum, discuss with you payment requirements, transfer requested amount to you even as of today (in private, while “not cheap enough” as @Christal kindly noted for us) or make actual bid over your linked eBay offer.
And, your Librem 5 USA offer is indeed tempting, nothing hidden there (transparent) but for those that might ask me on why I’m not buying this Linux smartphone from you: I simply live in Europe (which is probably not some big obstacle for someone else but still reasonable fact on why I’m not buying things from eBay USA).
Perhaps this related link/post helps someone to decide:
I bought a Librem 14 from a friend who was in a time crunch and decided she didn’t have time to learn GNU/Linux. All the original owner has to do is Email Purism Support and tell them you are selling it and to whom. Purism will transfer ownership records and continue any warranty. My friend bought a 3-year warranty, so I have about 2 years left on the warranty.
I do care less about warranty. Yes sometimes i got components damaged through delivery. Mostly everything is fine. But after i try to use Linux, or rooted a Android Device or update WLAN Routers with free Software, so i ll loose warranty.
It is so great that this is not the case with Purism.
With time you can check out what a JTAG is and how to Test your broken Device and update the Firmware. Bad Devices will not let you reset or uptade the firmware.
:30 minutes left. Top bid is $900. Absolute steal for whoever gets it
SOLD for $900.
Ideally you update the title of the topic in order to include the string “[SOLD]”.
I think updating the title becomes impossible after some time. Either way, I fixed it.
yea i tried. thanks dcz