Librem 11 Word Processor

I’ve used LyX on the Librem 5, so it should be even better on the Librem 11.


Wow! Thank you so much! It seems to be working great on my Librem 11. I’m going to have to read the tutorial to learn it, for sure. But it appears that it will be able to do what I need it to do.

Hey, I have another thread going here concerning printing. Maybe you have a solution for that, too!

Thanks again!

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Hey again. So, I’ve read the tutorial and LyX is a pretty sweet program. The only problem I now have is that I can only successfully export to a PDF file. Do you know of any way to export to an ODT file? That would be really sweet.

Thanks again!

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LyX is a program which is based on a GUI over the top of LaTeX. Exporting to PDF is easy because it’s basically like printing (and equivalent to running the command pdflatex). There has been work to export to ODT that was done as part of a GSoC project (Google Summer of Code) around 10 years ago. I don’t know the status, but it was basically code invoked from the command line.

I should note that pandoc might be able to convert. pandoc understands latex (and, so, presumably lyx) and odt, so it’s plausible that it would be useful. I wouldn’t expect perfection.

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Install pandoc

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