Librem 5 Broadmobis & Countries

I ordered an E version of the Broadmobi modem for my L5 because I’m going to europe later.

I opened the back of my L5 and put this modem in it, but then I turned the phone back on and I seem to still have service in the US.

But I’m going to Europe later. Do I have to do something else to get my Europe version modem prepared and switch from US to EU?

I noticed in BM8 tool app that the technical info dump includes the text “BAD” in all the letters and numbers. What does that mean?

I sent this message from the L5 through that modem… Even though I’m still in the U.S.


Presumably you’ll need a SIM card compatible with bands in the areas you’ll be traveling in. If your US SIM works on those bands, and your mobile provider allows international roaming, then you could conceivably get by with your normal SIM… but the costs could turn out to be astronomical. If so, consider a SIM from a less expensive provider, either local (in the EU) or international.

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It probably means the bands are incompatible with, or at least insufficient for, coverage with your US carrier, and/or can’t implement VoLTE.

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My current understanding is that my provider allows international, at no additional cost that I am aware of.

They also “don’t support Librem 5”, but thus far it worked anyway.

VoLTE said something about being supported on BM8 app.

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Famous last words. :rofl: Better verify. Who’s your provider?

Not sure I understand that. Got a screenshot?

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It means that there are letters “B”, “A” and “D” used to denote firmware variant, used in this particular order. It’s not a word and it’s not meant to be read as such.


Thanks. I really appreciate the confirmation on this, this seems like best case scenario for me then.

I think you are more correct than I am. In passing, I must have read VoLTE checkbox as an indication it was being supported. That is probably incorrect. It is probably simply telling me the user toggle is on:

Google Fi

Obviously if I ever change providers, I would probably not change to Google because they are Google and got too powerful or whatever. If they dont work internationally now that I finally am going to use the international feature, I’ll probably just drop them as a provider.


The ‘FDD LTE’ means that VoLTE is working


Enjoy your time in Europe.

I hope you take your other modem with you and have have time to test using both. The modems, although regional, have overlap in their frequencies, so basic services should work (in most areas). You could verify this. A separate question is which network in your target country is compatible/accepting with the modem to their network. The good thing for you is that we mostly have more options here on that front.

Btw. here we have legislation capping the roaming charges but that probably only covers our side. Roaming may also have different kinds of charges for calls and mobile data, so remember to check those switches on your mobile settings.

Enjoy your trip and remember that emergency services number is 112.


Right, so, in the United States, my cellular provider doesn’t charge or handle “roaming” and “data” differently in any meaningful way I could tell. I just toggle those switches randomly and sometimes it would make mobile data work.

What I’m seeing so far in Europe, anecdotally, is that Data and Texting both work fine, but only in Crimson. This could totally be small sample size and bad luck, standing in the wrong place with Byzantium; been moving.

But I haven’t checked my billing. So, you figure that “data” and “roaming” are two different things to some people as a mechanism to induce fees in other [European?] countries? I’ll have to read about it, I guess.


Unfortunately, no, I did not do this.

I tried booting back to Byzantium again and yet again it made internet stop working. It repeatedly shows the 2G or 4G or 3G icon as if it was going to work, but then unlike Crimson dual boot it just busts when I try to use it and drops connection or something.


Here are some experiences from me with roaming in the EU:

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