Sorry guys, would love to continue the conversation but this forum in a word sucks. It won’t let me respond for 18 hours and now will only allow 3 replies. I’ll post all of my replies here to each of you and you can figure out what I’m talking about. I’m not waiting another 20 hours to respond so I’m done. Don’t think I got scared and ran though as I didn’t. Just frustrated with the forum here.
Wow, so now we are going to claim SD Storage is fast and reliable. Very strange that most all media failures I suffer lately are at the hands of tiny little sd cards. But I’m sure you have a source where this is not the case. In order to capture 4k Video you most definitely have to have a fast card but also the hardware itself needs to be able to take advantage of that speed. So there is more to the picture than just a fast card.
Matrix is actually not more than I think it is. Here is a question for you: Matrix is meant to bridge the gap between all chatting programs so that you can communicate from Whatsapp to iPhone Messages app as an example. First for this to even matter every chat program has to support it and at the moment I’m not aware of ANY that actually do. BUT: Messages is end to end encrypted and Facebook owns Whatsapp so who knows what is going on there. The point is, if I send you a message from my messages app and you get it on your whatsapp, is the message encrypted? Is it protected? Is it secure?
Matrix has no say in that matter as it is a messaging protocol not a storage requirement.
Here is the point with current progress: We are in 2019 and you start doing videos about how great the phone is coming along and what great progress we’ve made. I see 5 videos so far and they show adding 1 + 2 on a calculator, playing chess and a few other things. Who the heck is their marketing guy? I would fire him immediately as there isn’t a single person on earther bar you guys that thinks that stuff is awesome.
Better progress videos would be looking up a contact in the address book, calling them on a video call, scheduling to get back with them next week and texting them my contact info in the mean time. You know, actual phone stuff.
I have searched all over and see NO videos or examples of what that looks like and yet they are supposedly about to release the phone in a few months. A phone that no one has disputted will not work in the US. But did they let everyone know this when they asked for the front money?
My main issue with this entire endevor is the fact that people are being mislead by a supposed “Social Company”. AGAIN!!! I am 100% behind the project and seriously hope it works out. You guys though are not helping the situation by acting like the company must be great just because they claim they are for social fairness (whatever the heck that means).
reC response to flip phone:
I’m not really sure how to respond to you because you really didn’t make any points that I see. There are no such phones for the following reasons:
People have to get paid in order to live. So if they are going to work on free stuff for other companies to give away it takes a 1000 times longer to complete (and they will more than likely give up before done) than it does the guy that gets paid big money to work 8-10 hours a day. Also the guy working alone in his basement while ignoring his family has no real care about others opinions on the looks and feel of the finished product so you just get what you get.
Phone hardware moves at an incredible pace and as such these small teams of free programmers working on Linux to run on a phone can’t possibly keep up. So a company like Purism comes along and tries to take advantage of all their hard work and make a profit selling hardware that runs their software. And yes, they also work hard to put this all together but at the end of the day, they are the only ones that might stand to make a profit. So in the end, most of these projects die quickly because they just can’t keep up with the rest of the world.
And Again (feel like a broken record here), I use Linux every single day, I manage a lot of Linux servers, I run a linux thinkpad X1 Extreme and have it with me 24 hours a day. I AM A LINUX DUDE!!! I want this to succeed.
What I am not into though, are you guys acting like social justice police and not being even slightly offended that Purism isn’t exactly handling this in the best possible way. Taking money with the promise of delivering what no other company before them could pull off and providing zero details as to exactly what people will get seems dishonest to me.
I was about to pay $700 for the idea of having a linux phone because it would be the coolest thing ever. I thought twice though and researched the cell chip a bit more to discover it did not and will never work in the US. There is no mention of this fact on their site and no mention of them even working on a solution to this. I realize the chip is M.2 and can be replaced, but they haven’t addressed that and you’d still need to deliver drivers for it which could be literally years away.
But they were AOK with taking my $700 and giving me a brick in a few months. And I see plenty of people here and on the net that didn’t consider this fact and spent the money thinking they’d have a working phone.
It would have been much more honest and social if they had said give us $1000 and we’re going to make a development phone to do an experiement and see if we can get a linux phone functioning like a modern phone. If we can, then round 2 will be designing and building the hardware around our development efforts.
That I could get behind!
And btw: I will always resist ignorance. sorry.
reC to trust it:
I think you completely missed my point to trust.
reC surgical laser point:
Yes reC, a mention of a comprehensive list just destoryed my entire point. Are any of you over 30? Beause I feel like I’m having a discussion with a bunch of kids. (oh, before you get upset about that comment you guys said same thing about the original poster
But seriously, are any of you over 30?
I have had 18 hours to watch and read everything I can find on this phone since this forum locked me out for that long. What amazes me most is the complete and absolute lack of anything impressive about what is going on other than them taking 2 million off people that think they are going to get a phone in 2 months. The videos showing calls are 10 seconds long and only show the phone ringing, not them answering it and having a conversation.
The text message example was a single word send and an immidate response. I literally feel like I’ve been transported back to the 80’s and we’re finding computers for the first time ever. Watch me print this word on paper… lol
I’m not meaning to knock what is going on here as I love it, but I’m blown away that you guys are so defensive about a product like this on anything but the coolness of what if. I hope I’m wrong but I predict that IF the phone releases in 2 months that it will be a complete joke and make the linux community look ridiculous to even consider such a thing a phone.
I wish instead that Pursim was only releasing a more complete dev kit that more of us could get hold of to develop apps and such for it. I see this phone still being 2 years out before it could possibly be called a basic phone and even then it will have barely enough apps to function as a smart phone.
I also researched Matrix a bit more and it is what I stated in my original post with the exception that they also talk of end to end encryption through a phone app that I see no sign of them actually building. This encryption would also only work as VOIP calls which means only if you have a good internet signal, which means, umm, why not use some other VOIP program that already does this? Matrix is a good concept but I don’t see a single company taking advantage of it as it would undermine their business model.
Again, social justice thoughts of a beautiful and friendly world where everyone has all the same stuff and shares everything in harmony THAT WILL NEVER EXIST!
I’m honestly disappointed because I was hoping this was a real effort to get Linux on a phone, but instead appears to be someone’s dream of social fairness that will never happen. How about we backup and rethink this whole thing before it crumbles as it surely will in its current form.
Sorry I have to leave but I’m sure you guys are happy to see me go. I really do wish you the best with this phone as I’d love to have one. But in my opinion unless something major changes it will never happen.
G Out.