Librem 5 - final decision about kill switches

I use the speakers on my phone all the time for podcasts/audiobooks while retaining my ability to hear my name, and would be very disappointed and possibly request a refund (though honestly probably not) if they were removed.


Other things speakers are good for:

  • Listening to music if you don’t have headphones handy
  • Speakerphone
  • Playing a voicemail message for someone next to you to hear
  • Watching a video with someone next to you without sharing headphones
  • Alarms
  • Ringtones (as someone with his phone on vibrate nearly all the time, I still turn on the ringer if I’m waiting for an important call)

There are plenty of very good reasons to keep speakers around, and plenty of people still use them regularly. They need to be secured, not removed. I’d like to see speakers controlled by Lockdown Mode at some point in the future, even if it’s not included in the initial Librem 5.


Tell you this, my hearing isn’t what it used to be. Whenever possible, I talk over the phone using speakers, just to be able to listen with both ears. Otherwise, it’s hard for me to understand what other person is saying, just by listening with one ear.

And I hate headphones. And earbuds are pure evil :slight_smile:

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