Librem 5 - Full of Character

Reading all the entries for the Librem 5 I’m struck by the sheer determination of its’ users. I have managed to get a ASUS 24" screen working off my Librem 5 using a Lemorele TC70L hub (bought from Amazon). I have a keyboard and mouse attached via usb hub, but when using LibreOffice none of the menu items work - just a flicker, so more tinkering required.
The phone never shuts down cleanly, I have to ‘sudo shutdown -h now’ and then when I want to start it again, I have to remove the battery.
There’s a long list of things I need to solve, so will be referring to this forum extensively!

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I think it’s something with the freedom of it. Like, when you spend time trying to make a thing work, that’s so much more rewarding when the thing is free as in freedom. It’s the way it should be. You’re in touch with the gods, kind of. From this comes determination.


Being a Linux user for many years, I just was drawn to it naturally, along with the fact that it’s not part of a big brother ecosystem.


I SWEAR the more you know the more you know. It gets easier. Sometimes I just swear at the thing and consider throwing it. That has not happened for some time . . . .

Honestly, once you understand how to make it work for you, and to handle all of the quirks, it is a very cool device.


Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll give it a go (busy day ahead) and get back to you…


I’ve been able to cleanly shut it down with “systemctl poweroff” or just “poweroff” in terminal when the power off software button lags or doesn’t work.