Librem 5 GPS/Location Tracking

That’s what I mean… I don’t see where to enable voice-guided nav. I may be overlooking the obvious, or maybe it’s hidden in the low-contrast lameness that is dark-mode plus QT Flatpaks.

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Hamburger menu - preferences - navigation. Then a button for “voice navigation instructions”.

I am using the flatpak version of Puremaps.


For voice navigation, in Pure Maps go to settings → preferences → navigation → set “Voice navigation instructions” on and select voice gender. It’s not trekkie but its pretty “computer” (or “Stephen Hawking” :eight_pointed_black_star: :man_in_motorized_wheelchair: :robot:). Route instructions are read aloud when you start navigation (route).

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I don’t see an actual “hamburger” menu (three stacked horizontal lines). I do have a button with a 3x3 grid of dots. That did lead to preferences and there it was! I am getting snow now, so it may be a day or two before I try it on the road.



For voice testing, you don’t even have to go anywhere - just start any route to hear it. I’m not sure if OSM Scout server is needed (I had it on) or if it has anything to do with this (probably not).

I found this snippet: “Voice navigation requires that you manually install a text-to-speech (TTS) engine – Mimic, Flite, PicoTTS and Espeak are supported. Their quality is about in that order, with Mimic and PicoTTS available from this repository. See corresponding TTS engines for language covereage.” [I don’t think I’ve manually installed those, so I assume they’ve either been added or came with the L5]

I’m wondering if pinging might help to get @rinigus to elaborate, if or how to change default voices (if not as a permanent feature then perhaps as a hack - like by replacing the default voice files or something)…?


I tinker too much to not take notes… It spoke when I started a route, so I must have installed a TTS engine on some whim months ago. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: