I scrolled the other thread, and I don’t know what response you’re talking about. I can’t see anyone from the team discussing this topic.
If you want this to go forward, then please get your friend to share their thoughts on the bug tracker: https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/OS-issues , or to contact the hardware team with a formal offer.
As for the reaction, I have contacted Purism support with link to the referenced discussion and set of the questions
confirm the problem and report actual best and average s/n percentage values observed in GPGSV records on samples from Evergreen production and even some discussion about results and modifications from previous models
confirm, that warranty is not lost when phone is carefully disassembled (based on the official suggestion on the Purism web to disassemble phone and enhance earth contact)
suggest what can be done on basis of your analysis
provide vector/PDF version of components placement for the whole PCB board. You have used advertisement that even Xrays will be provided as antitamper protection. I understand that you do not want directly support cheap clones, I respect that your investment into design and software need reward. But you are canot cooperative with community when you complicate analysis of the problem a possible repairs.
please document your intention in area of GNSS antenna circuitry. I have not disassembled phone, but schematics shows alternatives there. It seems that circuitry leading to TS3 SC-M1.4 (probably screw holding cover/frame) is clamped by two R 0 Ohms resistors. Is this main input of antenna, it seems that ANT3 ECT818000500 is not marked as NC. Is it assembled? Is there cable to USB-C board or elsewhere? I cannot locate corresponding connector on USB-C schematics a available photos of Evergreen are blurry. Side note again, why not to provide solid pictures and data to people who invested and get part of the adventure. My colleague from ESA points that even unconnected path to ANT3 connector can result in quarter wavelength reflection and degrade the signal. If signal goes through antenna then short circuit to TS3 can be a problem. So what is your level of RF knowledge about actual design.
No Purism response in the thread and response from support that they route request forward. No more response for longer time. My friend looked at photos and I have reported his finding in appropriate thread. Still no support response. I have opened phone and with help of hands of my company colleague I have managed to tune earth connection a little. I have reported results. After some time, response from the support with blurry screenshots from the PCB editor with some information that I can try to change some list of components. Without any technical background and problematic orientation because excerpt are quite small. No reply to any of my numbered questions. Then response of my colleague with deep GNSS knowledge what he thinks about reasons for changes and with doubts if that is the right things to do. No more response from support by e-mail or on the forum.
I am starting to consider this silence as intended officals answer more and more. It can be interpreted we are open only in the speech under advertisement articles but reality and value of the community is not valued for us.
Yes, I understand that you and Sebastian and many others are doing great job and that things are not black and white, but I have spent quite some time with attempts to be supportive and I think that others should know the results and consider if they should invest the time or not. And yes, I have quite lot of other things to do now… I can provide long list… So I have no economic or other problem to mark my time and money invested into Librem 5 as dead end for now on one hand… But I give it a chance for while still… or return when attitude changes…
As I wrote, the forum is the wrong place to give technical feedback, and support usually has other things to do. We work more in the open relative to other companies. If you want to get in touch with engineers, go to https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/OS-issues . Before you put me on a pedestal, I have completely ignored the forum thread you’re talking about. The forum has too much noise.
To add to that - I only browse the forum occasionally and reply when I find something I know the answer to. Which is why I mentioned the revisions, pointed to schematics etc. but pretty much ignored anything else from the original post, as I’m absolutely not an EE and can’t really provide meaningful feedback
It should be on a sticker under the battery. I think the box has it as well, possibly even the invoice. It’s a number that’s prefixed with “L5”.
This is the first step in debugging since the grounding pin can break off and prevent GPS signal from working at all. I also know that we have instructions (ECO) on how to manually rework 1.0.2/1.0.3 boards to apply 1.0.x.1 fixes somewhere.
Generally speaking, when it comes to GPS sensitivity there were many changes from several parties involved during the development, as it’s influenced not just by electrical but also mechanical design, antenna tuning etc. and some of these things aren’t done in-house.
Thanks to both. Yes, HW revision is on the appropriate place. Great.
As for the GitLab, I have tried to register on Monday and I am not approved yet
Your account is pending approval from your GitLab administrator and hence blocked. Please contact your GitLab administrator if you think this is an error.
As for the GNSS, I would expect that the best option for small company like Purism would be to collect all knowledge on one place and use community potential to discuss issue. I think that bashing my offer from ESA colleague is not right step forward. They have equipment which only biggest companies like Airbus, Boeing, Thales have. And people on our university who has been able to use GPS signal in eighties for geodetic applications when no public encoding documentation has been available can have some value as well.
If you share your account name, I’ll be able to contact admins to approve you faster (accounts have to be approved manually because of tons of spam we’re getting otherwise )
I can copy or even compact mine and ESA friend though in the issue followups. But I am not sure if it worth to invest time when information which would allow to back up the thought by facts seems to be intentionally hidden behind Purism or their HW design contractors walls.
I still expect that somebody from Purism should respond to the above copied questions which has been sent to the support team as well.
Hi @ppisa, thanks for you offer to investigate further the issues with the GNSS. I hope Purism will work together with you in order to investigate the issue. Also my Librem 5 has difficulties in getting a 3D fix.
I also would like Purism to clarify its warranty policy concerning disassembly by the customer of the L5. Here is what i wrote on my blog about this issue:
Purism posted an article and video explaining how to disassemble the L5, so the company wants its customers to know how to disassemble their phones, but the same article also warns customers that they can damage their phones:
The Librem 5 is designed for longevity with software updates for life, but part of longevity is also being able to repair a device outside of warranty. We plan to stock replacement parts in our shop in case you need to replace your modem, camera, or even the main PCB.
Disassembling your Librem 5 may risk damaging it. Any damage from disassembly is not covered in your warranty. If your Librem 5 is under warranty, please contact support first before you attempt this process.
I’m really happy to see Purism promising to sell replacement parts for the L5 in the future, since that is one of the areas where PINE64 has a better track record than Purism. This text about disassembly under warranty, however, is ambiguous in my opinion. The text is clear that Purism won’t honor the warranty if the customer damaged the phone by disassembling it, which is fair, but what is unclear is whether Purism will honor the warranty if customers disassemble their phones, but don’t damage them by disassembling them. This text makes it sound like Purism wants people to first contact Purism to get authorization or instructions from the company before they disassemble the L5 if they want to maintain their warranty.
The worse is that I have contacted and the question has been simply ignored. It can be problem of omission of the the given support technician or even more severe problem of the management which does not wants to declare clean answers/guidelines for own people replies.
My interpretation would be (under the assumption that the phone is still under warranty at all):
Disassembly by the customer does not in and of itself void the warranty.
It’s a no brainer that if you damage your phone while disassembling it and you have not been directed to do so by Purism support then repair would not be covered by warranty.
So if you have a specific hardware issue then you should contact Purism support first so that they can direct you to disassemble the phone or, alternatively, advise against it (e.g. advise returning to Purism instead or e.g. advise further troubleshooting first). If you want the risk of your breaking your phone while disassembling it to be on Purism then they need a chance to assess that risk first.
For my part, I expect I could disassemble my Librem 5 without breaking it. Putting it back together again would be the risky aspect.
Problem is that I have explicitly asked what are consequences of the attempt to repair and received no response regarding the warranty. I have received only single sentence
and PDF file with PCB placement excerpts a suggestions for modifications which require to bought components and solder on the mainboard. Yes, I have offered, that we have knowledge and equipment in the previous e-emai, but even in this case I would expect some confirmation and suggestion what would happen when we have problems. On the technical side, I do not like to poke with four 0.35 x 0.65 components on the expensive board when there is no description what should be archived by each change. Each soldering on such board is a risk. I have consulted my ESA colleague and he expressed doubts if that is the right direction. When there are no report what are expected/experienced/usual change in sensitivity related to this change then again it is unprofessional and considered risky to follow. I would prefer real documentation of the design then proceeding with the analysis with my colleagues and may it be even RF and antenna experts from our university. Consider some measurement, signal injection, spectrum analyzers confirmation of the state, only then changing components and tune design with simple observation with gnss-test as well as with confirmation with professional lab equipment.
By the way, is the note GNSS sensitivity ECO which I have received from the support public, can I attach it to the issue. I have asked for the intended behaior with the material I possibly receive in the initial e-mail. Again, no world in any responses, simply ignored, no response to my ESA colleague at the end… Because I know only @dos and @dcz as the people from Pusism who really responded to my questions, I would ask you if you can confirm that the GNSS sensitivity ECO can be attached to GitLab issue? I have signed no NDA and warned in advance that I will not do so, I have not signed NVIDIA one nor Volkswagen, in the other case I have helped them with security really sensitive project, unlocking of the car by care sharing control unit. But on the other hand I tend not to undermine companies profit and risk the users security and safety when other parties operate within appropriate margins.
The ECO describes how to update older boards to include the fixes we have made that are included in currently shipping phones. It’s the result of analysis of GNSS sensitivity issues that has been made some time ago already (I wasn’t involved personally though, so I have no details to share there).
As far as I understand, the sensitivity of older boards varies. On some, GNSS works pretty well, on others it’s hard to get a fix at all. Sometimes it’s enough to check and fix the grounding clip in order to get satisfactory results, but sometimes you need to do the rework, which is why there are multiple steps of increasing difficulty being suggested by support.
I don’t know how that influences the warranty though, so can’t help there.
Great, attached to the issue with Marek Peca’s comment.
Response to the comment was that changes should be made without more background information and some more can be provided after that. Marek Peca responded that in such case Purism does not follow its claimed openness policy and he loses interest in the problem. I can probably do changes blindly but I do not like such behavior either.
If the issue is know there should be some survey what SatxCN0’s has been achieved on which batch and witch adaptations to provide guideline to check that given device has individual or design problem and what can be expected outcome.