We already had these discussions multiple times in this forum and the “insecurity” problems mentioned are always the same.
- Problem: People are confused with privacy vs. security. Android and iOS are the moste secure operating systems available and they are designed to stop the user from making mistakes. That’s there security model. But if we follow this discussion Linux in general is not very secure… If you install a virus with sudo you are in trouble. But it is your fault. And if Linux would be really insecure it would not be used on most of the servers out there. And PureOS is not less secure than any other Linux distro.
- The kill switches are useless because (add random argument here). Yes they are useless if the NSA has a problem with you and wants to spy on you explicitly but then you also shouldn’t trust your friends, your family and every body else. The hacking scenarios mentioned are soooooooo complicated this does not make any sense… It is simply nice to know that a random application at a specific time (for example during an important meeting) is not able to access any of your sensors. Which you can’t guarantee on Android or iOS.
- The boot process is not save: This is also true but this is only a major problem if someone has physical access to your phone. But if that happens also Android an iOS are not secure anymore. In any other scenario you have to install a virus with sudo (your fault again).
- Privacy: No one who criticizes Linux and it’s security mentioned privacy. On Android and iOS the security model is like: nobody can spy on you… except we and all the organizations we give your data to. But in my opinion privacy is more important than security. I can change the security level on my machine with AppArmor, by not clicking on random emails, by only installing things from repository and a lot of other tweaks (There a lot of tutorials in the web). But on Android or iOS you can’t change the privacy.
- “The majority of the hardware/firmware is still proprietary” - This is wrong it is definitely NOT the majority! A view parts are proprietary but Purism has communicated this very well what is open and what is not open and they tried there best to get rid of most of the binary blobs. But it is not possible to make every thing open source.
- I don’t get the modem problem: It is not a strong barrier yes but you have to hack a Librem 5 very specific to overcome this barrier. It’s not like a normal SoC where nobody knows what is happening inside…
The main point here is: If you install OPEN SOURCE apps from the repository your are 99% save because you or other people know how these apps work and what it does in the background. And nothing is more secure than knowing the source code. Security is always related with freedom. If you as user can do every thing on your phone a very good hacker can do that to. But that does not mean that this will happen.
Again if Linux would be that insecure: Why should anyone use it?
The real question here is: Do you want root privileges or not? More privileges more responsibilities!
And Purism can only do what is possible at the moment and if there is no free modem they have to deal with that… And I am not afraid that the NSA is spying at me because if the want they will and they are not dependent on your smartphone. I am afraid of companies like Google or Apple which collect all user data and every activity I do on my phone and with my phone.
My last word to this article is: Complaining is always easier than changing something!