Librem5 squeekboard

Hello, I have 2 questions :

  1. Is it planned to have a kind of next word estimation while typing ?
  2. the experience is not completely smooth, there is a kind of stuttering while typing. This is not a complain the keyboard is still in development, but do you think this experience can be improved ?

Thank you very much !

  1. Yes,
  2. not sure what you mean.
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Thank you for your feedback. About the question #2, I mean : the writing experience is like “heavy”.
When I’m typing on Android (without using the dictionary), it feels light, it’s fluid, and when I’m typing on the Librem 5 keyboard, it feels like there’s a delay in response.
I have this feeling that I have to be more focused when I’m typing on the L5 than on an Android.

@everybody, please feel free to confirm / contradict me according to your feelings.

I think its a side-effect of not having autocorrect. Since you have to be careful what letters you hit, you have to concentrate more on where your thumbs hit the keyboard as well as what letter you just typed, and so it feels a little clunkier.

…or is it just that there is a perceived delay between thumb contact and letter display? ??

Set uim-anthy so that you can switch between Japanese and English with “Ctrl” and “Space”.
Then the keyboard setting of the terminal is the best for Japanese. It looks like a blackberry and is cool! My best keyboard setting would be best if “Ctrl” was added to the US keyboard, but I don’t have the skills to create it, so the terminal keyboard is the best right now. Don’t be fooled into thinking that Apple or Google’s Japanese keyboards are better. For Purism, don’t forget your company’s uniqueness. I will continue to look at Purism’s products with great excitement. Just like the old Steve Jobs when he returned to Apple!

@hirohiro you can replace a running squeekbord by putting the binary into the same location as the old one and killing the running process.