Librems outside USA

Of course. The NSA told them, they would only cooperate if Purism produces in the USA. They are patriots after all and don’t cooperate with companies that produce stuff in China, e.g. Intel.

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You can always check the warrant canary page, though it is only updated quarterly I believe:

And if you don’t trust the warrant canary page, well, then I’m not sure why you would trust a Purism product to begin with.

I also like to post my opinion on this “Made in USA” post. First of all congrats, moving this to your production. You are directly controlling a bit more of the supply chain there, as you are controlling this step too. That’s cool.

However for me as a non USA customer the “Made in USA” gives me more concern than relief. In my view of the world most of the State-controlled-spyware I know of comes from the USA and having a production there makes it for me thinking twice to buy something, as the US-border is crossed and even as I trust Purism no one can say if there was an “resting inspection”.

That’s why I still hope for a Librem 5 shipment from Germany for Europeans and maybe having a second shop over there too as speculated in this thread.

However I want to felicitate you having done this step. I assume most of your customers are from the US and fabricating there makes a lot of sense (as no border will be crossed). Even further all this “Made in USA” will most certainly also please those of your customers who want to make your country great so I also guess this is a good step for you as a company.


this “made-in-USA” stuff can quickly turn into a “made-in-China” thing as these seem to be the current power poles. i’m more concerned about the “what?/who?/why?” than the “where?”.

I see more on the plus side there than on the minus side.

The upcoming EU/Germany location does not solve the border crossing:

  • Librem Laptop: Made in China (parts) --> assembled in the US -> shipped to EU location
  • Librem Key: Made in the US --> shipped to EU location
    in the past: Made in Germany (AFAIK) --> shipped to the US --> shipped to EU location (not better :wink: )
  • Librem 5: Made and assembled in China --> shipped to EU location
    (assuming that 1. they still plan to do it China and 2. then ship it directly)

If the NSA wants to sneak something in, they’ll most likely find a way no matter what.

I also applaud the effort to stop outsourcing to the cheapest possible country. :clap:

What are the odds that some day the US government, plus the NSA might choose to buy Librem so they can use the design and software for their own employees.


today it’s BBs with “hardened” droid’OS. i guess for government it works ok but for me when they put the fingerprint scanner in the physical “spacebar” it was time to move on.