LibreOffice exits with "Application Error" when invoked from command line


I did create a /etc/apt/preference file, and run “sudo apt-get update” and “sudo apt-get upgrade”, but nothing changed.
This is what I put into the /etc/apt/preference-file:

Package: *
Pin: release n=green
Pin-Priority: 700

Package: firmware-atheros
Pin: release n=stretch
Pin-Priority: 900

Will apt-get search for this file and use it or do I have to activte it somehow?

Yes, apt search for the file, I don’t know exactly how.

I think the file need to be named /etc/apt/preferences or be inside a folder /etc/apt/preferences.d/bluetoothfw

But if not show you any error when you update maybe it’s ok like that.

Now purge again libreoffice and reinstall it.

no change. I purged and re-installed libreoffice, but it still gives the Application error when invoked from commandline.

Looking back in my logs, I realize that I had problems in opening libreoffice from the commandline already some months ago. I could fix it back then by adding the line
to the file /etc/

I have however no idea what this change implies, and whether it is still appropriate.

My problem is still not solved. However, if I create a new user, this user can open Libreoffice from the commandline without problems. So it is not a problem of the global Libreoffice installation, but it must be something local to my user account.

Moving the .config/libreoffice/ directory didn’t do anything, also replacing this directory with the one in the home directory of the new user doesn’t change anything.

Where else is Libreoffice storing information specific to the user? Or could it be a problem of permissions? How would I identity this?

Most likely this is not a problem of PureOS, but my post to the LibreOffice forum has been unanswered so far.

The fastest and easiest way to solve this is simply to create a new user and switch over to it (migrate/transfer your data) and delete the old user.

Or reinstall, whatever suits you.

Try to look at XDG pathes like .local/share, .cache/ (and .config you already did) but the fact that it crashes on font call hints it could be something with theme or local font settings in user profile which could go down to gtk/qt/kde configs