Linux 5.10 kernel released

Sorry Kyle, but I’m using Purism’s original PureOS image, not the fork :wink:
But the kernel of course is not purism’s, I’m rather using Megi’s kernel for pinephone.


Aha! Got it. Super interesting!

It is funny in a sad way that so many devices become obsolete just because the manufacturers don’t care or actually benefit from the lack of upstream support.

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It is indeed, because I was expecting to side-load firmware in addition to kernel to make wifi work. But it appears Megi hardcoded fw blob into custom driver. That won’t be accepted into mainline of course but it sill allows to work with original L5 image :slight_smile:

The short comment:
Your talking heads make a good point :slight_smile:

The longer and more rambling comment that I'm too tired to make more coherent...

“How” (with humour, sure) is an important part of trying to get any message across in a manner that is optimum for receiving. (side note: let’s not drag Barthes into this)

Yes, it is a real danger to create a bubble with it’s own feedback loop to enforce it. Finding the info from all the heaps of texts is a problem of medium and availability for both inside and outside already. The getting the message is difficult if it’s all over the place, like trying to be being so much of everything, without a single focus. The abundance of possibilities may be challenge that hasn’t fully been solved.

“Getting it” is partly “deciphering it” in IT & linux. That part could also be made easier - for Newton’s sake - but there is also the other part of simplifying and distilling the grander message (not referring to message content) to something between a slogan or an “elevator speech” and a half page summary. This is what inches the discourse of L5 as well as linux and linux phones from fringe lunacy towards general acceptance, if you permit the hyperbole.

And it’s not made easy, because L5 has several of these grander messages to both choose from (positive) and which compete of interests (negative in communication sense). Still, in IT and linux kernel mainline is big and it’s connected to so many that it should be emphasized somehow (even if that message is not conveyed directly).

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Is this the same as the PureOS distro listed in the Pinephone wiki? Or, is this your custom thing?

No, it’s different, and I think PureOS entry has been removed from there as it’s not really PureOS, it’s rather mobian with purism’s repositories. the [kernel] sideloading process is initially described in this topic and indetails in the included references.

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@amosbatto some minor updates to FAQ 2.10, 4.3 and 8.1 may be needed as mainline is now reality.

This was a reasonably busy cycle. …”

I was thinking more on the Purism side than the whole kernel. Although, probably same answer.

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Well, it looks like I didn’t give up (this time)! @amosbatto, here is link to Display Controller Subsystem (DCSS) update for the FAQ.

Besides, there is NXP i.MX boards one.


A bit curious: last commits I can find on “Librem 5” or “imx8” are from August (DCSS is from September). Should there have been development since then, or is it with a subsystem name that doesn’t include either of those?