Live booting an SD card

Are you suggesting to do it on the phone through the computer?
I don’t yet have a host computer. I may buy a USB stick and try live booting it at the same time and maybe do it from there.

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I personally would be preparing the µSD card on a host computer.

If you have no big computer that runs Linux and don’t feel like attempting to do it with a computer that normally runs Windows but instead on this occasion would be Live Booted into an appropriate Linux distro (e.g. Ubuntu or PureOS) … then you can do those commands on the Librem 5 (and that is the beauty of running Linux everywhere) … with the following constraints that I can think of:

  • You will be tying up over 8GB of the eMMC, at least temporarily, so you need that much free space + margin. (With more handstands, you can probably reduce that disk space requirement to over 4GB.)
  • If you are currently using the µSD card slot on the Librem 5 for some other purpose then you must first reconfigure in order to free up the slot (and of course shut down in order to remove the existing card).

So I am trying this and am coming up with this:

sudo dd if=$HOME/Downloads/librem5r4.img of=/media/ubuntu/4221-724F/ bs=1M status=progress conv=fsync
dd: failed to open '/media/ubuntu/4221-724F/': Is a directory

Q: What am I doing wrong?
A: I had the wrong device ID.
The image is now writing slowly to the disk

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(I need detailed instructions on how to write the .img to my uSD card. I am completely new to these types of things. If I know the the commands a can do it, otherwise I am sunk.)

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So I tried booting it and all it does is turn the green led on and then just stays in the black phase.
What should I do?

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Use my instructions:

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But I don’t want to reflash, I just want to test out a new image :grimacing:

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Okay, well you may want to follow the instructions you were using earlier, but this time using the correct device ID instead.

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How big of an SD card do I need?
I have an 8GB card on hand and and 64 full of information in my L5.

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The uncompressed image is under 8 GB. I vaguely recall it being 6.7 GB.

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How would find my uboot version?
Edit: Never mind. I found it.

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So I updated uboot but cat /proc/cmdline still shows the old uboot version

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Did you reboot the Librem 5?

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multiple times

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Okay, to confirm, this is the process to update uboot:

  1. Download the .deb
  2. Install it
  3. Then execute this command:
sudo u-boot-install-librem5 /dev/mmcblk0
  1. Reboot the Librem 5
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This comes up as un-supported file

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This is what I used

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How about this one?

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Yeah I used that

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Alright, what happens when you execute the code as root?