Live booting an SD card

The uncompressed image is under 8 GB. I vaguely recall it being 6.7 GB.

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How would find my uboot version?
Edit: Never mind. I found it.

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So I updated uboot but cat /proc/cmdline still shows the old uboot version

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Did you reboot the Librem 5?

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multiple times

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Okay, to confirm, this is the process to update uboot:

  1. Download the .deb
  2. Install it
  3. Then execute this command:
sudo u-boot-install-librem5 /dev/mmcblk0
  1. Reboot the Librem 5
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This comes up as un-supported file

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This is what I used

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How about this one?

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Yeah I used that

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Alright, what happens when you execute the code as root?

How would I do that?

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PureOS on the Librem 5 does not support the account by default, so use a root shell instead:

sudo -s

For every command that uses sudo, omit it:

u-boot-install-librem5 /dev/mmcblk0

When you want to exit the root shell:

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sudo: account validation failure, is your account locked?
sudo: a password is required
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The # means you are now using the root shell, so try using the command I provided in my earlier post:

u-boot-install-librem5 /dev/mmcblk0

If it works, remember to exit the root shell after:

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This is incorrect.

I assume that you have done a Live Boot of Ubuntu on some computer that does not normally run Linux.

The correct value for of will be /dev/something where something has to be chosen very carefully - because you don’t want to overwrite the wrong disk! (and it is impossible to predict in advance, given the great diversity in people’s hardware configurations, what device name is the right disk).

Also, it is important that the empty or otherwise µSD card not be mounted when you do the dd - so usually you will want umount /media/ubuntu/something before doing the dd

If in doubt, do sudo fdisk -l /dev/something before doing the dd in order to confirm that the disk model and size are what you expect.

The disk image (uncompressed) is about 4.5 GB. So probably an 8 GB µSD card would be adequate for a Live Boot.


True (I got that part figured out.)

Also true.

Now I have the .img on my SD card (with following all your intructions) but my phone still will not boot from it. The green light merely turns on and does not turn off, and the phone just stays in a black phase.

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You have copied the IMG to the SD card or written with dd ?


dd I followed all the instructions on the second post.

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I figured it out. I wasn’t updating uboot right.

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