Mobian experience

I had an image I downloaded earlier (before I upgraded to Mobian Trixie). I hope the images will be back online soon.


Mobian is down since a couple of days :frowning:

With the trixie build for me the modem at the beginning works ok but goes more worse on every suspend/wakeup.

After some days of use the calls were no more usable, the modem hangs and restart does not help. I have to reflash the phone with PureOS to overcome that. Therefore I would be glad to test an non-trixie-based version. Does anybody have one which could be uploaded FE to my nextcloud server?

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Slightly OT, but may matter to some: Mobian is back up!



If you have an Librem5 and are on kernel 6.6.27, you may have noticed that the modem is disappearing several times a day. There seems to be a regression that we need to track down.

In the mean time, we advise you to not update to 6.6.27. If you have, the 6.1 kernel does not have this issue, and @kop316 is testing if the 6.6.23 kernel has this issue too.


Anyone know if this has gotten any better, I might give mobian a try due to my troubles

Also I might try trixie if the modem experience is significantly better. I see that bookworm has calls 45.alpha.0 which I am trying to upgrade from. Think it would work to pin 46 from trixie?

Also curious about energy usage, latest byzantium seems good so far is it about as good or significantly worse?

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If you go for Mobian maybe fix SIP but you will have other issues. Then You Better Stay With US!


Mobian trixie here with gnome-calls 46.0-1.
Calls works fine. Since I don’t use SIP, can’t tell anything about it.


I have nothing more to report atm, as I am running postmarketOS/Gnome Mobile on a Oneplus 6 as my daily driver since about a month. Not perfect, but modem working better than on the L5.


Gnome-calls updated today to 46.3-1 on Mobian trixie. Changelog here


Tried Trixie this past weekend via installer to get the LUKS encryption. It being a development branch, there were a lot of things that didn’t work, such as being able to install flatpaks, or even many binaries due to mismatched packages, GNOME Disks & KDE Partition Manager being some of them. As one would expect, not daily driver ready.

For some reason it keeps complaining about low storage on root, even though I have not installed any new apps on it, just being doing updates. The filesystem seems to have fully expanded to allow full use of the 32 GB eMMC, and seems to say much of it is still available sometimes too. Firefox ESR also apparently has a bug right now that prevents you from opening it.

Plasma Mobile is now an option, but I was not able to get it working directly from the installer, or after the fact via terminal.


I’m using mobian trixie (without LUKS encryption). Three flatpaks (Puremaps, gramps, tellico) and gnome-disk-utility installed. Writing this from Firefox ESR.


I suppose it comes down to the individual combination of packages. I installed apt-listchanges & apt-listbugs to have a better view of things. For example with Firefox it listed a bug that it could not open on the latest 115 ESR and upon downloading it I found that behaviour.

Has anyone figured out how to get BM818-tools on Mobian? Or gotten Plasma Mobile working with Trixie + BTRFS + LUKS?

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If you only want that package in order to enable VoLTE then you should be able to send the needed AT commands directly to the modem, as a one-off, and hence not need that package.


Firefox it listed a bug that it could not open on the latest 115 ESR

Weird, I see some bugs too with apt-listbugs list firefox, but not this one. Firefox -v gives me 115.12.0esr. No visible issues for me.
Note that I flashed mobian-librem5-phosh-20240324 (not plasma) and do apt update and upgrade almost weekly.

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Just FTR to maybe localize the problem: I’m running plain Debian Trixie plus a 6.6 kernel which is very close to what Martin maintains for PureOS and don’t experience any hangs.


I played around with Trixie a little more, both Plasma and Phosh. Was even able to get both running at the same time with an option to switch from the lock screen, but not fully functional as there are some mutually exclusive packages currently. In both cases, many dependencies are missing, on testing branches (conflicting with other packages still using the non-testing branch), or have bugs, meaning many apps aren’t installable or usable.

Plasma I couldn’t get the latest May packages to work, but March worked fine. Discover is not yet working, and there were two settings apps (one mobile optimized). Could not set some things from them, and some options are not visible from the desktop version, so I imagine it is currently in the process of translating over. The control center has more options than in Phosh. One big downside is the desktop environment seemed to have huge power draw, and seemingly no way to manually suspend in the meantime.

Phosh the keyboard does not always pull up when you select a textbox, and of course the button to manually bring up the keyboard is no longer available. I used pasting text in from a long press as a workaround. There have been signature verification issues with the mobian repo, but on the most recent reflash, it doesn’t update anything from debian or mobian, so I’ll likely need to reflash again. Before I had to do multiple rounds of upgrades to get everything up to date with all the dependencies needed.


The (phosh) button to manually bring up the keyboard is now the white line at the bottom of the screen (long press)


Solved in a separate thread:


This week I tried mobian trixie again (with mobian installer and luks full disk encryption). I could reproduce the suspend regression with phosh. But after switching to plasma mobile, I did not see any issues with suspend so far. So it seems the issue is with some combination of phosh and gnome control center.


I’m hoping to do a survey of mobian trixie users to find the most important issues they find in using it as their daily driver. I also hope to crowd fund/setup bounty for specific fixes once we identify the most popular demand in the hopes of making mobian trixie a usable OS when it becomes stable.

Please participate here