Mounting home folders to sd card

Thanks, actually learning a few things here.

all 3 have the same config in the [Unit] section:

Documentation=man:fstab(5) man:systemd-fstab-generator(8)

Right. So far after 4 reboots, I have had no issues without x-systemd-requires. Not sure why a few reboots yesterday HAD the problem, which were only fixed after I added that (with a typo, so not really adding it) lol.

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Thanks @pajuky.
I just looked into the man page of systemd.mount, and I think I understand now why no dependency relation shows up in the [Unit] section:

If a mount unit is beneath another mount unit in the file system hierarchy, both a requirement dependency and an ordering dependency between both units are created automatically.

In other words, systemd doesnā€™t mention the dependency in the generated unit file but still takes care of the correct mount order automatically.

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Interesting. Then the reason they didnā€™t mount, the first few attempts to reboot, might have been something entirely unrelatedā€¦.

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Did you in the end solve this issue that your mounting switches from rw to ro?

I have the same issue and I canā€™t figure out what is going on. My SD card showed no issues so far and was running in the phone before without any problemsā€¦ Even adding errors=continue does not solve the issue.

There is already a bug report

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