New Kernel Update Last Night

I noticed there was a kernel update last night, but no info on what it was for. Does anyone know what improvements/additions were part of this one?

Phone seemed a bit snappier afterwards.


Take a look: There’s all kinds there - lots. Interesting one is a mention of “USB: serial: option: support Quectel EM060K sub-thread models” and some others (see: Questions about alternate modem_QUECTEL EM060K-GL). I wonder if those might lead to something…

For future reference: ID your kernel with apt info -a linux-image-librem5 or browse tags (and activity/date) at to update the address

I would be nice to get one of those blog posts about all the developments from past several months - can’t even remember when the last update was.


18 posts were split to a new topic: EM060K discussion

Mention of Crimson here: Document changes and release 6.6.29pureos1 into crimson

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Right, I just installed it for Crimson within the last few hours.