New Post: A Librem 5 Video Made on a Librem 5

Can you please tell me what video editing software you used?

This topic has gone well off the rails …

Pretty sure that already exists - but I don’t own one.

That definitely exists. I already own such a monitor. Just waiting for the day when my L5 turns up.

Technically, you don’t need a hub for the keyboard and mouse, because you can in theory use a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse and pair them directly with the L5. (Obviously this is not something that I have tested, your mileage may vary, yada yada yada. I think I do have a spare BT keyboard/touchpad combo somewhere though …)

They dont even need to because someone else already does!


Does it work with the Librem 5 running PureOS?

Pity the screen’s not a little bigger. 15.6" would be nicer.

Some number of years back, Canonical was showing off Ubuntu Touch and part of it was that if you connected the phone to a monitor, the phone itself would act as a touchpad and it had a icon for a popup keyboard. I thought this was brilliant as it could allow you to do actual work by just connecting your phone to a monitor.

Will anything like that be available for the L5?

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It’s not quite what you described, but is a start in that direction.

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The reason I asked whether it works with the L5 is because the nexdock web site talks about (future?) compatibility with the L5 running Ubuntu Touch, which seemed a bit odd to me. Not that there’s anything wrong with Ubuntu Touch but I wondered how far advanced it is on the L5 (and @amosbatto’s indefatigable FAQ says “not very”).

Presumably once Purism finishes the work to get the L5 + PureOS compatible with the Nexdock, Purism will be asking Nexdock to update the nexdock web site.

Hopefully there’s no proprietary driver involved. I dunno why there would have to be, and it wouldn’t be a showstopper, but it’d be nice if there wasn’t.

I think it would be a showstopper for Purism. I don’t think they would waste their time on it if it were going to require a blob and so, based on the quote above, I would say there won’t be a need for a proprietary driver.

Based on my experience with somewhat similar hardware at each end (similar, not the same at either end) I see no reason for a proprietary driver. USB-C is defined so that this should work out-of-the-box without any driver.

The one thing that I can think of that might be quirky is how rotation is handled. For a start, you might be able to rotate the L5 and the screen independently (and in conflicting ways). The L5 may or may not recognize if the external screen is rotated - whereas the expectation is that the L5 will automatically recognize when it itself is rotated. (So if you want a simple life, ensure that the two screens are in the same orientation and manually set the orientation of the external display, if needed.) But who knows? They might surprise me and even that works out-of-the-box.

I was thinking something like “the driver would end up in the Debian nonfree repo, so you could still use it with the L5.”

Though I also agree there could certainly be a way to get it to work without a proprietary driver (it’d be cheaper too, I think) unless they had to come up with some novel way to get something to work the way they want. They might see that as a trade secret and want to protect it, and thus you’d end up with a black box driver.

I suspect they just assumed it was running Ubuntu Touch since at the time that was the dominant mobile Linux OS and I think a lot of people are still getting used to the idea that the Librem 5 is running the same PureOS as the rest of the product line.

These docks in general are just a monitor, and USB keyboard/mouse connected to an internal battery and USB-C hub. When you connect you see a USB hub, keyboard, mouse, and a monitor over DisplayPort. The compatibility work ends up being around USB-C negotiation with the hardware to enable things like Power Delivery, nothing that would need a proprietary driver.


Figured as much. I seen the camera performance on the Pinephone, and right now, there’s still a lot of work to do. Preview renders at 1/2 FPS give or take, which doesn’t bode well for video recording. How far along are we with the L5 w.r.t. camera: photos and video?

Still pretty early in afaik, but I did see some recent developments in the past few days here:

Looks like people are hard at work on it.


Really early, but it still looks like a big advance to me, because they must have a Linux device tree configuration and the MIPI CSI2 interface sort of working to get anything from the rear camera.

I think its awesome that Martijn Braam of postmarketOS is offering his advice from working with the PinePhone cameras, which shows why the free/open development model is the best, because it allows outside people to participate who may have more experience with a particular problem.


Kyle, what actual hardware do you intend to use? I am wanting to set up my recently-bought L15v4 with a full-blown desktop setup – monitor, keyboard, mouse, webcam etc, all being run through a single port on the L15 (as opposed to now, which requires much plugging-in of the various peripherals, which is fiddly). I’m interested in what a Purism Person would use to do this.
