New Post: A Phone That Respects Your Children

He meant in the context of knowing what’s “best” for its citizens.

That’s so well said :slight_smile: It’s a point people in general can recognize - and they can also see the difference:

Every caring parent will gradually cut down on rules and protections to let their child make mistakes, learn from them, grow up to take responsibility, and eventually become caring parents themselves.

With Big Tech ‘protection’ it’s the opposite: confinement is only going to increase for every measure that gets accepted. This is not about protecting, and even less about caring, it’s about control.


It’s called - taming.

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The child sees the father carefully turning off all the kill switches, before handing over the phone. The first thought of the child will be, “Oh cool, it’ll be really fun to play with those neat looking switches.”

On the side of every phone there is a button that turns the screen off, and, from experience with my kids, I know that after triggering that feature once (usually by mistake while holding the phone), they will be very careful with avoiding touching the side of the phone.

I have had my daughter playing with my Librem 5 for some time and she never touched or asked about touching the killswitches. The beautiful interactive and colorful images on the screen are much more interesting :slight_smile:


Just curious, has she ever dropped the phone onto a hard floor? Any damage?

Not yet and I hope it won’t happen. I make sure she doesn’t run with the device and use it carefully.
I hope I will avoid dropping it myself too.


Nice video and I love the music!

I will use it as a ringtone as soon as I receive the Librem5.

Found it here.